New Online Game Format Coming Soon



here are a few e-mails i've exchanged with Rangeela regarding a new tournament currently under development - the whole idea is completely original and will be a cross between ODI's and tests. I don't think Rangeela wanted to keep it secret, but Kar_Ind should get the majority of the credit for the initial brainstorm

E-Mail from Rangeela attached:-
Rangeela, I hope you didn't mind me informing everyone of the ideas - well, thats all they are at the moment aren't they. I just hope you didn't want it kept quiet, cos if i've leaked and spilled the beans then, sorry, but I just couldn't NOT inform people on the forum of the ideas we've had for a more "seasonal" tournament structure.

Guys, these are merely blueprints which we have established to make things a bit more different. We want to get a league structure running - my idea is two leagues of six (all the nations from c2002) - the top league is set to "hard" and the lower league set to "normal" level - this will enable everyone to enjoy online gaming. Games are 2 innings per side with 10/20 overs in each, the winner being the one with the most runs. Read the attachments above for a better idea of what we are talking about.

thanks to Kar_Ind for his initial idea, everyone please submit their thoughts as i'm sure Rangeela is keen to hear how to develop gaming online, so please forward responses and thoughts on this topic to him
Sounds fun! I really like the idea of having two divisions as some games at the moment are just too unfair: Some players are capable of scoring 380 while others only make it into the 100's, so it seems like a fair way to make games more competitive. And those who improve really well get the chance to get promoted, which is a good idea. I agree with the 20ov per innings idea, as ten seems a little too short to really get into the innings. I don't agree with the current bonus point system as each game is different and it isn't fair the high scoring games on dusty pitches get more bonus points then low scoring games on green pitches, if you get what i'm saying. I wouldn't make the point system to elaborate, but simply do what they do in the pura cup and give 2 points for winning the first innings, and then another 4 for the outright win. That seems to me to be the right way to go. Also, why don't we play with more weather conditions? i.e. have games with overcast weather and cool conditions? At the moment we only specify the pitch type. With the home-away system you can play games in each countries home grounds which is better then playing every game in the same country/ground. My only concern is whether we have 12 players, and how do we work out who is in each group??
I myself was going to start a league because I liked the idea. I think having two divisions sounds good and challenging except a person should be able to pick his team and you put them in the division.That won't matter to me because if no-one picks Pakistan and I chose Pakistan then theres no messing about as you just have to put me in the second division.I just can't understand the innings winner thing.
It seems to put mein a pickle. :blink:
Thank you vetts, thats a good idea, in england we have higher points for wins so thats what ive been used to, but what you have suggested is much fairer. Perhaps we could do 4 points for a first innings lead and then 8 points for the outright win. So, just to break things down for auwais to understand:

Team 1 scores 320-5 in 1st Inns
Team 2 scores 350-7 in 1st Inns (4 bonus points for lead)
Team 1 scores 390-2 in 2nd Inns
Team 2 scores 340-6 in 2nd Inns

Team 1 wins by 20 runs

Team 1 scores 8 points
Team 2 scores 4 points

Hopefully Rangeela will let us know what he thinks, but that was a good idea vetts, nice one :up:

no sonic I didnt minded at all...
Kar_ind deserves the full credit since he was the one who came up with the idea.
I will consider each and everyones suggestions and hopefully during the summer we will have something up for you guys.

just keep your ideas coming
My suggestion as to which leagues players are placed is this (please read Rangeela):

the 12 participants who apply start a knockout with 6 teams in each (format 10/20overs?) the top three teams in each group make it to the "elite" league of hard difficulty and the bottom three in each will be in the normal level league. Hows that? :blink: :rolleyes:
we could in fact name the top division "the Super Six" i suppose :up: and the lower league the "premier/elite league" or something perhaps :unsure: mayve even "the dirty half dozen" :D
Originally posted by sonic@May 23 2003, 02:21 AM
My suggestion as to which leagues players are placed is this (please read Rangeela):

the 12 participants who apply start a knockout with 6 teams in each (format 10/20overs?) the top three teams in each group make it to the "elite" league of hard difficulty and the bottom three in each will be in the normal level league. Hows that? :blink: :rolleyes:
yeah sonic that sounds really good and that way we can know how each individuals play and which league they will be suited for...

I am going to start working on this from next week.
first we will just setup a little knockout tournament to figure out the league and than we will go with the league competition
Originally posted by sonic@May 23 2003, 11:21 AM
My suggestion as to which leagues players are placed is this (please read Rangeela):

the 12 participants who apply start a knockout with 6 teams in each (format 10/20overs?) the top three teams in each group make it to the "elite" league of hard difficulty and the bottom three in each will be in the normal level league. Hows that? :blink: :rolleyes:
That sound interesting,I hope Rangeela will accept that.
Rangeela, you should sit down and fine tune your rules for the league. It concerns me that members are continually in breach if the rules and get let off (naming no names :rolleyes: ). Once the campaign starts teams should be docked points even for having incorrect game settings etc, as this will having a bearing on the result. I think its perfectly acceptable to dock a team say the points for the win of a match (8 points say) for not adhering to the rules, as well as forfeiting 8 points towards the team that they were playing against. You should make sure there is say a 4 day window for each match. So, if a game was due start on 23rd May - team 1 would have 24 hours to complete their first ininngs, team 2 then 24 hours to complete theirs in 24 hours and so on into the second inningswhere the game would end on the 4th day. This may sound a little strict, but it ensures players get thru their games at a decent and fair pace - lets face it, if people want to play in these games then they should be expected to follow deadlines, so i think you need to invent a cricket board or something, how about the "ocb" (online cricket board) which handles players in breach of rules accordingly.
24 hours does seem a little strict... expecially with all the different timezones and such. But there should be some time rules that need to be enforced otherwise it just won't work. Also, with the first innings points... the reason they don't make first inning points as high as outright points is because winning outright is a lot better then simply winning the first innings (and therefore isn't worth as many points). If one team wins the first innings, but the other team wins overall... under your suggestion they both get 4 points, which makes in kinda like a tie!! Despite the fact that one team scored more runs than the other, they both get the same point result!?!? This is why i think it should be 2 for the 1st and 4 for the overall win. That way it can either be 4 points to one team and 2 to the other, 6 to one team and 0 to the other, but not the same points to each team. I just think it's fairer that way.
I think the trial knockout is a good idea... it'll help get all the teams sorted. Also, we already know the skill levels of a lot of players, and that can help in deciding leagues.

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