Thanks to you eight managers, without you I obviously wouldn't be able to run this.
The next season will be starting asap, and it could possibly be the last season. Once season twelve finishes I'll be pretty inactive on PC until November (uni, and in the semester break I'm going to Europe), and I'll be 20 then so I'm not sure what I'll be up to in RL. Hopefully I'll still have some spare time, and I'll be able to go out with a massive season thirteen. Obviously I don't want to promise anything though, so I'm going to say that this could possibly be the last season.
This season is going to be a slightly shortened season, so I can try and finish it before semester one starts in late February/early March. It'll consist of a couple of practice matches against the Aussie state sides, followed by a single round robin and the usual playoffs. While a single round robin is three rounds shorter than the current format, it'll allow for everyone to verse everyone else once.
We'll be having a mini reshuffle that will involve everyone releasing a minimum of three domestic players and two international players, with the more players you release the earlier you come into the draft. As usual that will be followed by a transfer window.
Atm can everyone just post whether or not you're staying on for NZPL season twelve?