Official Birthday Greetings thread

Happy b'day Trev :) Have a great year ahead.
Many Many Happy Returns of the day Left_Hander, Storer11 and Hassan and to everyone who's celebrating their birthdays. Never knew till now that you all were born on the same day!
Just realised I have just passed my third birthday on planetcricket :D If anyone can find my first post, I'll give them a reward *looks around at bottom of sock draw*
:mad NAw I want you to buy me a happy meal with Irn Bru.
Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar the legend, the hero, the god!

You get more younger as your age goes higher. :D Long live!
Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar the legend, the hero, the god!

You get more younger as your age goes higher. :D Long live!

I thought this thread is for only PC members. From tomorrow i will start wishing every single person who has birthday.
Whatever. I thought about it at first. Since there's no thread started on it yet, :@ I wished him here. :D

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