Old PC Members Reminiscing Thread

The fact remains that a lot of the members of this thread (not including me)have the potential to live up to the older posters of the board by accepting when you are wrong, not abusing members, typing properly...etc...

The future is in your hands people.
id like to think i played a part in the golden age. They were great times, alot of big characters but everyone got along. I wouldnt say its bad now just different and alot of people dont like change.
yeah those were good days back then.. :p.. that got me hooked..
A lot of people who register now don't end up posting alot. They come on here stick around for maybe a month and then dissappear. It is dissapointing. Maybe when a new cricket game comes out we will get some great new members.

Oh an what ever happenend to Culli. (I can't remember how to spell his username properly) He was pretty popular around here.
Ye, he still posts around general chat; I think him and Evo are good friends now.
I was probably quite active around what you guys call the golden age. It was also the time when I became very active on CW and that took me away from PC somewhat. I remember posting quite a bit in the Superthread, I think I had 100+ posts in there. It certainly contributed to the Planet Cricket culture in a way no one thread could have, but it also promoted a certain clique-y nature that I didn't find very attractive, much like, but not as bad as, CW in those days. Closure of the Super thread was a good thing in that respect in my opinion, not to mention the crass posting that went on there towards the end.
I'm just glad that I was part of/witnessed the Golden Age. What a time!
I'm sure we can do it again eh?
I wasn't in the golden era. I signed up at that time, but left and didn't come back for several years. Shame really.
Well you have still been here a long time mate. And you have been a great asset to the place, like i hope i have too?

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