Old PC Members Reminiscing Thread

Easy, if you want PC to be "golden" again. open the Super thread
Here we go again with the Superthread!

Apart from the fact it was a good place to take a load off and just talk about general stuff, what else did it provide for us? IMO not much.

Stu (!x!Culli!x!) is still around, he just doesn't post much any more. We still chat on MSN and Xfire quite a lot :).

Oh ok. That is nice to hear. We need a bit more of Stu around here. Was a very lively person. Always liked to talk and be sociable.
I was part of that 'Golden Age' and proud too :)

Our banter in the Superthread was fantastic and I really enjoyed it! I cant initially remember why I joined up here, I think it was to look for some patches for Cricket 2k4 or was it 2k5....cant recall but it was one of the two! I was greeted by a lively community who were all fair game and up for a laugh! I then left for around 6-8 months and came back to find the likes of JJ3 and co had come and I realised I had found my purpose in life! (at that time :p)

Quite suprised no one has mentioned my 'Revolutionary' story! Most of the new members probably dont have any knowledge of it, but it was yours truly who started the cricket game stories based upon a single player rather than a whole team!
Quite suprised no one has mentioned my 'Revolutionary' story! Most of the new members probably dont have any knowledge of it, but it was yours truly who started the cricket game stories based upon a single player rather than a whole team!

I have sinned against nature by not mentioning your story thread. Yours drove mine out of business for good.
What about tassie's story? Greatest story ever indeed.

It's disappointing though, nightprowler is the new hyper-posting globie (not that that's a bad thing) but the old ones like Brad and even Andrew are now disappearing. Ste is quiet and Colin is quieting down these days too.

I think that there are some old guys here who need to take charge, like Sohum and perhaps even myself. I loved getting into arguments with Sohum, one of the best posters on an online forum I have ever seen.
i might not be part of the golden era... but im making sure i will be for the next one ! :)
The Golden Era had:

1) The Superthread. This was like a thousand general chat threads in one. Here in the Superthread, only those who very very active tended to post and follow the arguements, so discussions were always of high quality, so we were able to discuss topics that would otherwise probably be reduced to flaming in the regular general chat. Topics that would also be considered silly, useless or whatever in the General Chat were discussed there. We had inside jokes, and a Bug Stevie/JJ3 thread would never have been allowed in the General Chat!! Having said that, it did get reduced to quite a lot of junk towards the end, but I'm sure it would have gotten back up to good standards had it been left open. :( And in no other thread would people so eagerly be cheering the 1,000th of 5,000th or 10,000th post so much.

2) Great Story Threads. Tassie hilarious one, the PC XI by Brett_Lee, Derbyshire County one by Rabittoh_rob and the competition between Surender, MWaugh and Gamerkid. I think my TT Lions story played a role too :p And there were quite a few good Career Diaries, especially by tjh something, who also wrote a very good Ashes story. Forgot his name now :p Simbazz and Evo's diaries weren't bad either. All those stories made that place class.

3) Great humour in all forums. As stated earlier, everyone just got along so well. Now a lot of threads have just flaming.

4) Great gammar. It was impossible to post in txt. speak and get away without a harsh word or two!

5) Ofcourse, great patchmakers with all the new games.

And I joined around the time of Ckt2004. I'm sure I've been here longer than Sohum. Never knew Skateboarder (AKA Pepi:p) was here from Jan 04
you forgot me, bharat, samrad [cant remember spelling :P] etc...
The superthread was core of the golden age, the community had a real sense of well community spirit. People could chat in the superthread without prats joining in. Since its closure people have stopped posting and moved to msn to talk. Closing it for good was a massive mistake in my opinion, a temporary shut down would of been acceptable but a full scale closure sucked ass :(.
For me the "Golden Era" was around the end of c2004 and introduction of c2005. BLIC was also hitting the scene. The forum had a great mix of members who were all around because of their love for cricket gaming, modding cricket games and cricket in general. There were some stella times in the old chatroom too (far better than anything the superthread ever produced). Somewhere along the way the forum has changed balance slightly towards a more general feel loosely wrapped around cricket. Maybe its because the games aren't up to it anymore, maybe its because people spend more time online these days, maybe its just that a core of members like that only come along once in a while. Who knows.
I feel sorry for the people who came here after the Superthread's existence. It rivalled myspace in terms of time spent in it. There was just something about being called gay. talking about Caterpillars in a Sauna, telling James that he was a pop princess and complimenting Briggsey's hair that just can't be replicated anywhere else. Get it back open but ban the gay porn!!!

I'm also worried about the lack of real cricket fans on here. Out of all the English members, only two of us attended finals day and it was only us who were interested in it.

On the other hand though, reinstating ;) and :mad: is a massive step in the right direction.
I am a bit confused on way some people are like 'bring back the superthread.the best thread ever' if they didn't post in it. Not gonna name names but just seems a bit wierd really, I for one didn't have the chance too post in there much so it wasn't much missing for me, although bring it back would be a good move, but not the best thread for me because I didn't post much in it. End of rant.

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