Ollie's Graphics HELP!


Chairman of Selectors
Jul 3, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
Right, well i recently got the 30 day trail for Photoshop CS3, and if i can get any good i might thinking about getting it fully. But ths requires ALOT of your help!
I Have made 4 things so far;

Austin Sig

PlanetCricket Premiership Banner

Ramprakash Sig(Following the rooney sig tut)

And an Aussie Big Hitter sig.

I Have read tutorials.
Where can i get new fonts and Brushes?
Where can i get backgorund because the one's you guys have are AMAZING
How do i get/make cuts of players?

Thanks Alot,
Btw only 28 Days Left

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Ranparkash sig is great.

Brushes fonts; www.deviantart.com for brushes, Dafont.com for fonts
Background; People make them using normal images, satdiums, brushes etc...
Cutting players; use the cutting tool, a tut in the tutorials thread for that :) Or get them from the precuts thread.

Hope this helps
Nice work. Well blended. And a great player indeed. Reps!

Just try and add effects to the renders
Yeah, the background is good. Just bring them renders above the BG, but below the test.

I Kinda Upgraded my Broad and Bopara Sig. Its now a wallpaper. And i started it again.
Thats an awesome wallpaper mate,just need to use better fonts.
Yeah i know im looking to get some new ones. I reckon thats my best yet.
Sorry for the bump, but has Christmas Holidays have Started i thought i would start making sigs and things again, Here's my first one for the holdiays


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