Rabeta Video Tutorial - Justin kemp

Hey rabeta mate, the video appears at somekind of angle and its kind of annoying...is that how its supposed to be?
It's not at any angle for me...there is no audio as well. Anyone else got any views?? Remember, it is my first video tut, so would you just be able to tell me where it is hard to follow.
Andy cud u upload it to sum other site coz I cant download it from megaupload! Sum problem with my service provider!
This is an awesome tut mate, a really good result. Only thing that you can improve if you do make another in the future is slow things down a bit. Also have like litte text bubbles to point out key term things.
My outcome


I did the render and text away from the tut
Great result KX. Who made this tut btw, the outcomes are so good?? :p

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