Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

...When is Patch 3 coming out?
If I didn't think about you guys then the price would be higher globally and you wouldn't have had a local release.

It's not money that is the issue, people crack and steal $0.99 apps - they are thieves.

The game is yet to break even, we are in losses, every theft, every torrent seed is helping keep it that way.

given Planet Cricket supposedly has a zero-tolerance policy for piracy, and he has admitted to pirating DBC yet is still not banned, it seems to me you're real beef is with @MattW @zimrahil and @barmyarmy. They're the real villains.
Well that's the problem,if we extrapolate this principal of capitalist world about the effects of value of money to everyday objects,we may realize that the rich (in this context the rich are those countries with relatively more stable value of money) will get richer,more intellectually aware and poorer will dwell down even more

oh do one Lenin. As Schumpeter put it, the princess was always able to wear silk stockings, but it took capitalism to put them within reach of the shop girl.

No movement or philosophy or ideology in the history of mankind has lifted more people higher than market capitalism.
Thank you Big Ant.
Can't wait to play now... but I have action cricket tonight :facepalm

Cancelling all plans with the girlfriend this weekend.
Server is back up.

Steam patch#bazillion is live.
Just loaded up on PS3. About to recommence an ODI series after a two week break and noticed the '(L2) Net Session' option.

Come on down! It's good to be back.
Thank you Ross and Big Ant team. Great hard-work put in by you guys to ensure the patches are out.
People out there criticizing for the delays and the minor bugs should realize what it would be if Ross and his team would just say..Oh that's all we could do with our budget and wait for the next release we will fix the issues then.
But No, the BA team have genuinely worked with the community to sort the issues and listened to each and every request posted in the community.
Really hats-off to Ross and team to give us a wonderful game and for their efforts in improving it even further.
Big Ant can't even implement a simple algorithm that can correctly decide on Man of the Match so how is this the best cricket game?

it's a minor detail of the game, but it is not a simple algorithm.

you need to take into account:
performance of 22 players
the overall balance of performance (lots of 100s, few wickets)
pitch conditions and how that should be weighted against runs scored/wickets taken
match situation when the performance was made, and how that should be weighted
effect of a given performance on the overall result
the result
"real-world" bias towards awarding it to the team that won
"real-world" bias that a guy scoring 120 will tend to be awarded it over a guy taking 9 wickets in the match even on a good batting pitch

it's bloody complex.
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