Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

I'm sorry I very much doubt we will hit today :(

We are trying our best. I think next patch I'll just resist the questions of when and tell you after approval and it's live.


There's a lot on this week with staff at e3 etc. picked the wrong week to try and push.

No worries. It's out of your hands so don't sweat it. World cup is on so the wait shouldn't be that hard anyway.
Side point, whoever it may be causing the delay, where is their office based that handles these approvals? Is it Thursday there or Friday.. and either way, do the work on weekends?
To be fair to them, just because we passed one platform doesn't mean that they won't find something on the other, just less likelihood.

At least we know one is 100% there and waiting.
Not to worry. It's out of your hands and you've done all you can. All anyone can ask really.
Update the title of this thread and remove the ETA or may be update it with a new date :)
To be fair to them, just because we passed one platform doesn't mean that they won't find something on the other, just less likelihood.

At least we know one is 100% there and waiting.

so lets start playing on the platform that has been approved :)
Hope it hits this week


If ms or sony only one has approved then release it on that
No patch 2 release tonight?
Oh yea its friday, the 13th :lol

I hope patch comes very soon. :D
Nah, tomorrow's Friday the 13th - I'm flying home :)
Looks like I picked the right weekend to continue being drunk...

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