Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

You could hit up through the ball by using the extra power trigger, and hitting the ball slightly early. Lets call it early/ideal for the sake of argument. It would work for straight bat shots but would have to have a think for cuts/pulls etcetera because as you say these shots involve rolling the wrists to determine the angle the ball comes of the bat.
Perhaps the trigger press could determine the extent of follow-through?

No pressure equalling a block. Fully held is aggressive, anything inbetween is a push into space to varying degrees.

I think lofted should remain a seperate input, as it's an action to get under the ball rather than over it. Then the execution and timing for each determines the elevation.

Anyway I'm getting a lot more singles on Veteran so the shot selection isn't actually as bad as I first thought. Strike-rate is now more inline with real-life, however could still do with a slightly more powerful defensive shot.
Why not remove tha aggressive ground shot and put holding both triggers as more of a defensive push/glide so you can look for singles or guide it down to third man etc but as its not as defensive as just a plain block, you run the risk of edging if mistimed? The aggressive ground shot is something I never use as its too risky ATM and trying to squeeze the trigger half way or a third etc is very difficult for someone like me. If the aerial shot thing will be fixed once the patch comes to Xbox, I personally would prefer the controls to be either left as is or to use both triggers for defensive pushes etc.
Patch 3 should be

1.Fix when turning back to crease sharper because my career player likes walking back and and getting run out ALOT.
2.Computer Bowling always the same bouncer after bouncer.Then spin bowlers opening for a test match???!!!
3.Tail enders scoring 200's wtf?
4.Beeing able to change bats,gear,Etc in Career mode would be nice.
5.Set goals for career mode to stay selcted for the side or get placed in 12th man spot.
6.Having better pitch reports on outfield beeing fast/slow/medium etc. Hard pitch,Soft,Dusty
7.Thank you for good game just a few things lol
Why not remove tha aggressive ground shot and put holding both triggers as more of a defensive push/glide so you can look for singles or guide it down to third man etc but as its not as defensive as just a plain block, you run the risk of edging if mistimed? The aggressive ground shot is something I never use as its too risky ATM and trying to squeeze the trigger half way or a third etc is very difficult for someone like me. If the aerial shot thing will be fixed once the patch comes to Xbox, I personally would prefer the controls to be either left as is or to use both triggers for defensive pushes etc.

I'd just like to see them have the RAS as an analogue input rather than the triggers.

That way you could control the power put into the shot by how far you push the stick.

People would be able to nudge the ball around the field by holding R2 and pushing further on the stick and a risk/reward system would be that the harder you go at the ball the more difficult to time and the more likely you are to edge or play and miss...

Would probably eliminate the need for the L2+R2 shot too...
I'd just like to see them have the RAS as an analogue input rather than the triggers.

That way you could control the power put into the shot by how far you push the stick.

People would be able to nudge the ball around the field by holding R2 and pushing further on the stick and a risk/reward system would be that the harder you go at the ball the more difficult to time and the more likely you are to edge or play and miss...

Would probably eliminate the need for the L2+R2 shot too...

To be perfectly honest I prefer using the analog triggers.

What I think we need, and have thought for a while, is some options with the controls, rather than just one set. But I guess that's something for the future.
Bein able to configure it yourself isn't a bad idea, but I definately think having the sticks as analogue to control all shots is asking for problems, different controllers have differing levels of play and sensitivity, and the more I think about it the more I believe doing away with aggressive ground shot and putting in defensive pushes/glides is a better way! For people who are gamers and very dextrous with the controller you may think differently but I have to squeeze the triggers right in or not at all so it would completely ruin the game for me to have to try to control the power of a shot using just the sticks!
- Sharp stumpings at both ends(keeper and fielders)
- Spinner's slower balls(pulling left stick to south-west dir) , they are bowling like 10- 20 kmph and reduce speed for finger spinner's arm balls bowled with (pulling ls up+right bumper)
- Medium pacers bowling super slo-mo balls(pulling ls down+ left bumper)
- Make some improvements to different pitches effecting bounces,edges & turn.
- Top edges and miss timed shots making the ball to go high into the air.
- Batting and Bowling impact should be effected more as per Batsman, bowler and allrounder.For allrounders and bowlers more chance of getting edges compared to pure batsman and specialist bowlers inducing more edges than others. Overall timing window need to be changed.
- Reduce accuracy for deep fielders- parallel to wickets, they often hitting the one stump they are aiming.
- Reduced early release bowling window, its fooling the length.
- More turn for spinners
- Decreasing keeper radius
- Sometimes fielders looking at ball to bounce and then jumping over it instead going forward and getting under it.
- Running fielders crossing boundry along with the ball they holding.
- Detailed pitch info at the beginning
- Reduce the latency bugs > Bowled not given , Pacers usually getting smashed in laggy games compared to normal ones, Still rare zombie walking fielders ,Freeze after bowling change and disconnection,In laggy games its difficult to get edges from batsman,un responsive fielders- catching and fielding,known bat-hit sound
- Overs vs runs etc more statistical graphs
- Grouping field setting into custom, attck,defence .
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I am not playing the game anymore until I get patch 3. I really like the sound of it but being a console player, I got no option but to wait. If it weren't for some overzealous people here, we would have got some release window info from the developers. They have spoiled the fund for everyone.
If it weren't for some overzealous people here, we would have got some release window info from the developers. They have spoiled the fund for everyone.

Wut?? Forum posters don't dictate release windows. I'm not quite sure exactly what you are trying to imply.
No but they dictate the release of the release window:p

God help us if the release of the release window release is delayed!
When's patch 3 coming ? will it fix fast 3rd umpire decision animations / replays DRS System after a dismissal ?
if big ant add this game will more realistic like dug out
2.more score analysis carrier a world cup t20 and 50 over, right decision
5.more shot like slog sweep,
6.more ground,
7.more spin,
8.feature like changing line up in running match.

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