"Oh! This is best! BA is amazing and this game is a masterpiece!!"
"Terrible! This game is another half baked garbage by greedy, money hungry BA, who care less about the loyal customers!"
Neither of those statements justifies this game! Point one, BA had shown amazing post release support which had made a luckluster tennis game (the original AO) to an impressive simulation. So, I did regain my faith in them. They did so with this title as well. This game however, was decent on day one and a solid improvisation has happened with the next few big updates. Point two, Ashes has it's area of improvement, mainly feature wise! Career mode still lacks depth, online still needs intensive caring.... but you have to agree here, and give the credit to these guys that within an year and half, since that don bradman 17 horror show, they had provided us a rejuvenated, fresh Ashes!
Now, I'm confident on BA's ability to deliver us more great sports simulation and I'll love to provide extended support if needed! Personally I'd love a game developed on field hockey....umm.. May be someday!
So, to the matter in hand, I'm expecting one last patch from them which should address few glaring gameplay bugs and that's it! Features can be and should be brought with a new title/ iteration. We can't possibly expect those in official patches!