Sign-ups PC Ashes 2017/18 - The Countdown Begins | 4th Test - Rather predictable..

Bat position: Middle Order (3)
Batting ability: * * * * *(5)
Bowling style:
Left Arm Chinaman
Bowling ability: * * *(3)

How does this work anyway? You got more than six point that is allotted.[DOUBLEPOST=1497286261][/DOUBLEPOST]
Player likeness: James Anderson

Damn, I have same player, and at this point I am afraid to ask whether you will change.
How does this work anyway? You got more than six point that is allotted.[DOUBLEPOST=1497286261][/DOUBLEPOST]

Damn, I have same player, and at this point I am afraid to ask whether you will change.
Would you rather I do the needful?

How many members are we looking for?
First name: Ali
Last name: Bubere
National team: :aus: Australia
State team: Victoria
Batting style: LHB
Bat position: Tail
Batting ability: (0)
Bowling hand: Left handed
Bowling style: Fast (2)
Bowling ability: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4)
Fielding position: Outfielder (0)
Interested in captaincy?: Yes
Player likeness: Mitchell Starc
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Why not Mitchell Starc , if he is not picked by someone ? Pattinson bowls Right arm fast medium .
Just checked, Starc will be better yeah!

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