PC Graphics Maker Championship Season 8 | Final Round - R#10 Results + Season Summary!

Which is the best entry?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Even I think that participants of Entry 4 and Entry 6 have asked votes from others (Clearly because, you'll notice all of them are friends), but we can't do anything unless we have a proof.

Results to be updated to today.
Results updated. Neither KBC nor did Ahad sent the theme with the entries, so the theme chosen by Gary who came third has been put up.

I'd like to reuest all members to send in the theme with the entries itself as mentioned in the first post.

If you have any queries/problems regarding voting related issues PM me rather than making it public. Also, if you think someone is asking votes via MSN or PM, you can PM me about it and then, I'll speak to the person in question.

Have a great week. I'm hoping to get great entries.


Lol, it's a disgrace to the competition that Entry 4 and 6 ended up getting four points for efforts like that, let alone third place. I don't know how to do it but it would be better if there were tiers like in the GFX Battles for Advanced, Intermediate and Beginners.

PS: To the makers of Entry 4 and 6, I'm sorry, I'm just being honest. The best entries should win and I know people have different tastes but you can't deny that there are always front-runners and those entries simply weren't third place material.
No offense, but Entry 6 is not even a wallpaper size. In my opinion, Entry 5 deserved to be in top 3...
Can I provide a GIF image?? ( Iam getting ready with a person)
And where shall I produce the file??
I din't find anyone providing in this thread.
You should PM the file to PranavPathak.
Good luck everyone..!!
try competing me in Wall papers theme not in sigs and Avatars..(I tried my level best in these but will have to wait for people's response)
man this voting stuff is corrupt....great entries often dont even make it to the top 3....

pranav a suggestion..instead of this voting stuff why dont you ask some people to judge the competetion...the admins the mods or even the good gfx here (with the exception of those who want to participate in the competetion)....atleast they wont do unjustice....belive me it works....this voting stuff is old fashioned on GFX sites..mainly because its corrupt..

this competetion is getting bigger and bigger every day but its also getting worser because of that rubbish and members wont participate if it keeps on happening again and again...

just a suggestion think over it..hope it helps you
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