Still, it's a competition. What'd be the point of a competition if there was nothing involved, or there was nothing at stake, or the whole thing was unbalanced and unfair. I'm not sure about others, but I just want a fair challenge and it is ruined if people get their friends to vote for them.
Fatal, whilst you can go on posting that 'why does it matter, it's the internet'.. that is probably the worst excuse I have ever heard. Why do you do anything on the internet? Why do you make your own graphics? Hell, it's just pixels.
See it as however you like, cheating does occur and it is unfair. I voted for #8 just so that KBC obviously wouldn't lose to some people who had their friends vote for sigs that weren't even half as good as his. The whole point of a challenge is to make people want to win, to earn it, to continue with making their graphics and to improve. If there was only one person making graphics, they would quickly get bored. Competition is the only thing that keeps things getting better, and you could look at anything in the modern day to prove it - when two similar companies go out, they compete against each other by pushing prices down and down and getting people to go to them.
When these things are rigged, it makes it boring. Again, tell me how I'm some internet-corrupted freak that cares way too much and has way too much free time, but in reality, I enter these things for fun and it is NOT fun with cheaters.
Yes, mine sucked for this round and I won't deny it, but I can still see that KBC's is clearly better and if he didn't win it would be even more obvious how blatant the rigging was.
Anyway, just quickly re-reading this, this post goes everywhere and I get off-topic a lot, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to restructure it. The message is there.