PC Graphics Maker Championship Season 8 | Final Round - R#10 Results + Season Summary!

Which is the best entry?

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Dude I WON!!!
You gotcha a problem with that....So have 1...i dont give a damn
Respect the decision of the judges ...they are judges for a reason!!
Congrats Vicky But not a Bad Entry Guys ...he Doesn't Make any mistake....:)
Naresh's Pranav's and Vicky's entry are the no.1.:clap

EDIT : also KBC's entry :D
Tbh, I don't see why his entry can't win? It has depth, decent use of light textures, text lacks a bit, but still I'd give him 7/10.

Naresh and I have been quite repetitive with our styles. But we still did well and managed to enter the top 5.

We had too many great entries this week and there would have been dissapointment even if some other entry had won.

I regarded KBC's entry as the best. That Sachin vector looks awesome. Only few people would be able to make out that it is a vector. It's been done to pefection.

Regarding the theme alternation vicky, it is always done. We had wallpaper last week, so it had to be a sig this time around. Black and white theme was chosen for innovation.
I'll be honest and say I dint think its a vector.Amazing work really.Kudos KBC.Its so much realistic that the judjes thought its only a render with some effects.
My worst fears came true.. lol

Too realistic of a vector. Being frank, seriously frank, I wanted to bang the guy, (neo?:p)

Ratings : 5/10
Comments : normal stuff really....simplicity is really cool but going to the extreme is lolz...the yellow thing right on his head is visible i think it should have been limited only to tendulkar's head not outside...text is cool but the wall is a let down tbh..oh i just spotted building on the lower side of tendulkar....thats really not good stuff...man i know who made this wall...you have sooo much skills why dont you use them????..it kills me to rate good gfx soo low...seriously it pisses me off big time...getting 5/10 rating is not acceptable for me from a gfx like you.

Check your eyes, fella! :p

Took me some time to make it worthdoing.

No problems though, I'm happy they thought it's a real render, :D

Congrats guys, get ready for some spikes to go through next week! :p

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Well done vicky.
I was surprised to see KBC's Entry so down there.
When I saw it,I knew KBC has done it.
It was the best for me.

Congrats guys, get ready for some spikes to go through next week!

Signs of danger!!!
Beware guys.
KaayBeeCee is comin!!!!
congrats to everyone... i will return this week
wow whats going on these days....SA didn like the ICC nominations,Kanye west was crying it out that rihanne had the best video when Taylor swift won the award and now here aswell:rtfl...either judges are gone nuts or either the spectators...lolz @ both of em

in cricket when the umpire tells the batsmen your out no matter whatever the batsmen do,he cant change the decision...its done and dusted...happy with the decision or not your out thats it...same gose with football..the ref says its a goal no one can argue with him..sometimes its frustrating when you feel you have made the best and you dont win...

everyone has thier own opinions,likes and dislikes...i have no regret on my ratings...i have rated everyone as they deserve it...and if anyone has any sort of problem with it and needs explanation...well then please do tell me....i would be glad to explain it....

anyways KBC common dude its not a vector....i checked my eyes and i can tell ya by just looking at the hands of the render that its not a vector...99% sure...vector are suppose to look smooth...a good vector looks as smooth as possible...take a look at the edges of both of the hands...they are crispier (pixalated type)....and if am not wrong for walking you need legs and for making a vector you need pentool with brush and either stim. pressure or not depends on the area...and brushes naturally or normally gives you a smooth line when you apply stroke....check it out yourself they dont give pixaleted or crispy edges...its mere effects on the render....trying to make it look as a vector but its not :p...you re fooling a guy who has made 17 vectors himself :p...

some examples for you satisfaction


oh and even the worst vectors have smooth edges because its impossible that brush tool will give crispy edges :p



if you have added effects to the sachin render and thats why its giving crispy edges well let me remind vectors are not suppose to have any sort of effect even if you add a single effect then you have wasted your time because thats not a vector then..those dont fall in the category of vectors though you might have tried really hard but nope:p (it happened to me when i was once competing)....i have even checked your wall with a vector expert...he said its no way near a vector :p:p..vectors are suppose to look like vectors not look original...common sense:rtfl...
Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.

Vector graphics formats are complementary to raster graphics, which is the representation of images as an array of pixels, as it is typically used for the representation of photographic images. There are instances when working with vector tools and formats is best practice, and instances when working with raster tools and formats is best practice. There are times when both formats come together. An understanding of the advantages and limitations of each technology and the relationship between them is most likely to result in efficient and effective use of tools.
Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.

Vector graphics formats are complementary to raster graphics, which is the representation of images as an array of pixels, as it is typically used for the representation of photographic images. There are instances when working with vector tools and formats is best practice, and instances when working with raster tools and formats is best practice. There are times when both formats come together. An understanding of the advantages and limitations of each technology and the relationship between them is most likely to result in efficient and effective use of tools.

Good Lesson,my boy.:eek:
wow whats going on these days....SA didn like the ICC nominations,Kanye west was crying it out that rihanne had the best video when Taylor swift won the award and now here aswell:rtfl...either judges are gone nuts or either the spectators...lolz @ both of em

in cricket when the umpire tells the batsmen your out no matter whatever the batsmen do,he cant change the decision...its done and dusted...happy with the decision or not your out thats it...same gose with football..the ref says its a goal no one can argue with him..sometimes its frustrating when you feel you have made the best and you dont win...

everyone has thier own opinions,likes and dislikes...i have no regret on my ratings...i have rated everyone as they deserve it...and if anyone has any sort of problem with it and needs explanation...well then please do tell me....i would be glad to explain it....

anyways KBC common dude its not a vector....i checked my eyes and i can tell ya by just looking at the hands of the render that its not a vector...99% sure...vector are suppose to look smooth...a good vector looks as smooth as possible...take a look at the edges of both of the hands...they are crispier (pixalated type)....and if am not wrong for walking you need legs and for making a vector you need pentool with brush and either stim. pressure or not depends on the area...and brushes naturally or normally gives you a smooth line when you apply stroke....check it out yourself they dont give pixaleted or crispy edges...its mere effects on the render....trying to make it look as a vector but its not :p...you re fooling a guy who has made 17 vectors himself :p...

some examples for you satisfaction


oh and even the worst vectors have smooth edges because its impossible that brush tool will give crispy edges :p



if you have added effects to the sachin render and thats why its giving crispy edges well let me remind vectors are not suppose to have any sort of effect even if you add a single effect then you have wasted your time because thats not a vector then..those dont fall in the category of vectors though you might have tried really hard but nope:p (it happened to me when i was once competing)....i have even checked your wall with a vector expert...he said its no way near a vector :p:p..vectors are suppose to look like vectors not look original...common sense:rtfl...

What do you describe by vector? All the Monotonous art?

It is a vector, in fact you're unnecessarily dragging it to the belief that it was some added effects. God knows what effects could get that.

I don't know if you're hurt or something since you're talking this way.

2. What's the brush tool thing you're talking about? It's all done with the Pen tool. Have a fill, Choose a closed path, pick up the color from the original image. You have an non anti-aliased path. Then have a mesh, for the unconditional blend between the colors. Bloat it, warp it, do whatever to get the placements right.

But i think that's not the point. You're talking about the mosaic like look. The image is converted to 256 colors, hence it's bound to get that look.

I don't know what sense you gathered about 'Vectors' but i'm not bothered about it. What makes me more furious is that you call that 'Effects'.

3. Common sense? Why do you presume things?

Bulge your eyes out, because these are some of the vector works from the few of the 'Best' of the Artists.






P.S. I didn't mean to hurt you. At all, nor fume. And I always respect the ratings and the opinions.

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None of those look like vectors either. Stop defending so much. Even if it was a vector, it as a whole was an average piece at best. Your arguing is just coming of as whining and getting really annoying.
None of those look like vectors either. Stop defending so much. Even if it was a vector, it as a whole was an average piece at best. Your arguing is just coming of as whining and getting really annoying.

See? You're in disbelief.

Meh, i'm not arguing or defending. Just pointing out.

Well, I'll leave it out here. The whole thing is taking form of some unwanted rage. Believe that or not, i don't care. I said what i did.

Peace and congrats everyone, Well deserved, All are taking their graphics to a new level every week and keep it up! It's exciting to see how it goes from here. :)
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