PC Graphics Maker Championship Season 8 | Final Round - R#10 Results + Season Summary!

Which is the best entry?

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Okay, I will introduce a new system into the 3rd season, adding more diversity. Tutorials, unusual to find in graphics competitions, but a great way to shine the metals. Tutorials, not yet included but can debut from the 3rd season to get the peak levels of graphics in the participants.

It will be something like this:

Tutorial of the month, which will run alongside the normal competition, The participants will be given 4 weeks to submit their tutorial, and at the end of the month, voting will be in-process (only through the judging system) and the winner will be declared at the end of the month.

The normal competition won't be affected by this, the regular themes of the week will run, and the tutorial of the month will run together with it.

This is useful, helpful, like the number of crystal's sides. The Winner will be awarded 10,000 vCash and The "Guru of the Month" signature/tag.

A poll will be put up after pranav gets through with this final season 2 awards. Opinions matter. :)

The person with the most points at the end of the season will be the Graphics Maker of the Month, and receive a user title.
I've made good on this one, enjoy your title KBC. Probably won't need to change that at the end of next season.
Sarcasm, Nakul

He just wanted someone to comment on his graphics. :p

On a serious note, you are pretty good MaD ;)

BKB1991 added 0 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...


Nakul your VMs still dont work!! :facepalm
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