PC Graphics Maker Championship Season 8 | Final Round - R#10 Results + Season Summary!

Which is the best entry?

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  • Poll closed .
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Lol, i got the worst graphics maker of the season award. I am happy that at least i got one. Hopefully i will do better in the next season.
How to post a entry???:noway

Conditions :

Entries must be sent to PranavPathak by -. They need to include the artwork itself, any stock you used and a suggestion for next week's theme. Animated artworks will not be accepted unless specified in the theme itself.

Size :
For Avatars - Between 50x50 and 100x100
For Signatures - Between 300x100 and 500x200
For Wallpaper - Between 640x480 and 1280x1024
For Renders - Any Size.

Copyright :
The entries may have Planetcricket.net watermark since they are displayed openly and can be prone to ripping/Plagiarism.

Voting and Points :
Voting will be done by a panel of graphics makers. Each entry will be given a number so the member's name is unknown. Then the panel would be asked to rate each entry out of ten. If a panel member is participating a particular week, he will not be allowed to rate the entries. The total points will be calculted for each entry. The entry which has the maximum total points will be declared as the winner. This will be done privately, but then later when the results are declared, the total points for each entry will be revealed.

Note: No participant can post their entry anywhere else before the results are declared. Pre-made entries are not allowed i.e the participant has to make a new entry to enter the competition.

The points system :
Points will be allocated based on where you finish. If a participant did not get even a single vote, he/she will not be given any points.

1st - 10 points
2nd - 8 points
3rd - 4 points
4th - 2 points
5th - 1 point

The person with the most points at the end of the season will be the Graphics Maker of the Season, and will receive a user title.

But wait till season 3 gets start.
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