PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Ru this? rocky_g? You quit after I won the match by 9 runs (afraid of losing) and whatever balls I ball should not concern you, I didn't gave you any yorkers but you constantly gave me yorkers but I am not complaining. And its my custom field what's your problem with that? if you can play then play otherwise shut up loser. You lost and you quit that makes you quitter.

wrick3000 added 1 Minutes and 1 Seconds later...

I know that is not legal but many uses that settings and pitches outside off. So why am I the guilty one?

Oh STFO you loser i am not afraid of losing. I quit becoz you didnt deserve to win. And i actually quit after the last ball. You can ask guys here who i have played against i always mix up deliveries. I bowl all kinds of deliveries and try to make the game as real as possible. I could also apply those negative field settings. But i wont enjoy them neither the guy who plays against me. Thats quite boring.

And what were you doing bowling the same negative line. You dont deserve to play with anyone of here. And they will soon know that once you play against them. Did i use it? If i didnt use those negative tactics then why did you use them? Do you even know the word fairplay?

And i think you should learn more about yorkers i was moving the markers. They were not yorkers. But in your case it was static(outside off stump) throughout the match with that crappy off side fielding. :sarcasm

boney_g added 2 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

No way you could have won that game in my opinion. YOU just lost accept the fact.

haha you couldnt win thats why you played with that negative field. Just accept it dear you cant win without cheating. Congrats anyways i dont mind losing but i mind losing to guys like you. You can play atleast one match here with everyone but i am 100% sure they wont play you again if you continue playing with this kind of field settings. ;)
Oh STFO you loser i am not afraid of losing. I quit becoz you didnt deserve to win. And i actually quit after the last ball. You can ask guys here who i have played against i always mix up deliveries. I bowl all kinds of deliveries and try to make the game as real as possible. I could also apply those negative field settings. But i wont enjoy them neither the guy who plays against me. Thats quite boring.

And what were you doing bowling the same negative line. You dont deserve to play with anyone of here. And they will soon know that once you play against them. Did i use it? If i didnt use those negative tactics then why did you use them? Do you even know the word fairplay?

And i think you should learn more about yorkers i was moving the markers. They were not yorkers. But in your case it was static(outside off stump) throughout the match with that crappy off side fielding. :sarcasm

Man, you are funny. :p

Just because people are doing it wrong doesn't mean you also get the license of doing it wrong. Anyone who do such cheap stuff is usally reported and the same has happened with you dude. So, GROW UP!

I dont mind losing or winning. I just bought this game to enjoy. Becoz humans are better than AI. But in his case i would prefer AI > wrick3000. AI isnt that repetitive and predictable. ;) And cheaters have no right of complaining. So his point of me quitting and that too after last ball isnt valid here. Thats my way of answering losers.
Ok let's play tomorrow again. I will play fair no problem. With normal fielding. Let see who wins. Then you can say anything to me. And ask whoever played with me I used this field settings for only 2 match. one is against you and another I can't remember. Sorry for using those fieldings. I promise I will never use that field setting against anyone or any of that kind of horrific setting again.
I will hunt down that guy who used that fielding against me.

I just want to ask.(Not complaining)
If you are only moving the cursor then why it shows that firstly the cursor is in the middle stump then when run up starts cursor suddenly moves to short in length then when you bowl it comes down to my pads. And why it don't show any sliding of cursor instead of sudden change? Is this the game bug?
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Ok let's play tomorrow again. I will play fair no problem. With normal fielding. Let see who wins. Then you can say anything to me. And ask whoever played with me I used this field settings for only 2 match. one is against you and another I can't remember.
I will hunt down that guy who used that fielding against me.

Ok i wont mind it. But i forgot to add that you actually quit the match before that where you were 72/6 in the 8th over in a 10 over match. ;) Still i played another match against you after that.
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can any1 tell me how to play online please..i keep getting unable to access server and something else (not exactly the way its written i think) but please i really want to play online i get invitations and everything else but cant play
Ok i wont mind it. But i forgot to add that you actually quit the match before that where you were 72/6 in the 8th over in a 10 over match. ;) Still i played another match against you after that.

Why will I quit a match that I could have won. My net connection just gone faulty today. Just got disconnected in 13 match today.
can any1 tell me how to play online please..i keep getting unable to access server and something else (not exactly the way its written i think) but please i really want to play online i get invitations and everything else but cant play

um, does your firewall allow it? If not, make the exception.
Why will I quit a match that I could have won. My net connection just gone faulty today. Just got disconnected in 13 match today.

Ok i can understand that. But there is no way you can say that you would have won that match. If i can score 70 something in 5 overs with that off side fielding i would have got that total of around 100 in 10 overs with that off side fielding easily. Becoz i have done it 10 times already that too in 5 overs. Never under estimate anyone mate. ;) And i never said dont use custom fieldings. I played with playkid12 and he was using the custom fielding. But there was opportunities to hit runs. I got a run out bug and his bowling was also good. I was all out for 5. He didnt even know that boney_g = rocky_g i came here and told him.
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The font! Its huge!! Anyway, someone join my game plz. I've been waiting for the past 10 mins.
Ok i can understand that. But there is no way you can say that you would have won that match. If i can score 70 something in 5 overs with that off side fielding i would have got that total of around 100 in 10 overs with that off side fielding easily. Never under estimate anyone mate. ;) And i never said dont use custom fieldings. I played with playkid12 and he was using the custom fielding. But there was opportunities to hit runs. I got a run out bug and his bowling was good. I was all out for 5. He didnt even know that boney_g = rocky_g i came here and told him.

I just want to ask.(Not complaining)
If you are only moving the cursor then why it shows that firstly the cursor is in the middle stump then when run up starts cursor suddenly moves to short in length then when you bowl it comes down to my pads. And why it don't show any sliding of cursor instead of sudden change? Is this the game bug?
Won a game against ajay2093. He pwned me in the previous match but this time it was my turn. I played as Australia.

Playing with a guy just smashed me all over the park for 94 in 5 overs. I am just getting into the rhythm by hitting sixes i got 30/3 in 1.3 overs or something. Suddenly we lost connection. If you are in here. I want to say that I didn't quit. I am having problem today sorry.
Had a great match with renoldino. I played as australia. He is one of the best guy. :)


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