PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Do you know what I find embarrassing? When someone can take the time to type out the whole word embarrassment correctly, despite it being one of those tricky words that people trip up on (two r's and two s's, how could you know) but when a word is as long as, say, 'You', they simply can't do it. Instead, you go the weak, soft approach and type 'u' instead.

It is this sort of softness (or laziness, whichever adjective you find more degrading to your good self) that is bringing this world down. When Jimi Hendrix figured he had mastered the guitar, did he think 'Why don't I just keep playing it, people seem to like that?' No he didn't, he decided 'I'm going to douse my guitar with petrol on stage and burn the (guitar).' What a legend. But you would've taken the first option. And nobody would like you. And you'd end up a brilliant guitarist that never quite made it, and while people would appreciate your skill, you wouldn't rock their world the same way as Jimi Hendrix did. You would be the Tommy Emmanuel sort of guitarist.

That basically sums up the difference between planetcricket and TFFSLLSSLFL or whatever it is (it may take a little while before I consider you worthy of my time enough for me to find out what TFFFTFSLFSLTTTSFSFSFL actually means). You're Tommy Emmanuel, we're Jimi Hendrix. You can do a good take on a couple of Beatles songs, but we wrote Purple Haze.

So continue to use your super-cool txt spk if you like, but don't tell iloveireland to leave. He's Jimi Hendrix, and he leaves when he wants to leave.

Mod's Note: Swearing edited out to appease TFFSL, even though it's poetic and legendary enough to deserve to stay ;)
LSD is a powerful drug:)
Thanks, that was what I after. Sorry for making you waste your time like that. I knew someone here would pick that up straight away. Look through my old posts, I never type like that. Just proves that PC is full of grammar nazi's!
Again, sorry for making you waste your time by writing that huge post! ;)
Unfortunately for you, I knew you were hoping for that. I knew that you'd pounce on any opportunity to call someone a Grammar Nazi, so I thought I'd set you up by writing exactly what you wanted. Thanks for doing that. Just proves that TFSLTSFSFSLFSL is full of capital letters (was going to say crap, but thought it would be rude so I didn't include it).

Anyway, Nazi is very harsh. Nazi's imposed a strict regime promoting the blonde blue-eyed ideal person, and if you were a Jew they killed you. When I noticed your spelling mistake, I called you Tommy Emmanuel. He is actually quite talented, so if anything that was a compliment. I'd much rather be called Tommy Emmanuel than be killed in a gas chamber using Zyklon B (yes, I research before posting, it expands my knowledge)

And don't apologise for making me write a long post again. I actually love it. I can waste time rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and never get bored. (except just then when I stopped writing 'and on' as I got bored) But one thing I will never, ever, ever waste my time doing, is searching through your old posts. I search through my old posts a lot. I find some gems. But suggesting I search through YOUR posts is laughable. I just don't have that much time on my hands.

You guys are comparing yourselves to Jimmy Hendrix? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man i laughed out loud at that one.
You laughed at that? Sure, if you thought it was an outlandish statement, you might have raised an eyebrow, but actually laughing? There is much funnier things out there. Watch Dad's Army, classic stuff, I crack myself up whenever Jones says 'Permission to speak, sir.' But us comparing us to Jimi Hendrix isn't really worth laughing at, unless you like shows like According to Jim and King of Queens, and then it's actually pretty funny.

LSD is a powerful drug:)
And didn't Jimi know it. Seriously, when he burnt that guitar, how high would've he been. Legend. Just like us.
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Tassie, I don't think they can understand you. Especially that TBNB bloke. He tends to go for a straight out insult when he doesn't understand what he's reading. Sort of like the tailender who tries to slog everything over mid-wicket.
TTFSL meet to discuss tactics for the series against Planet Cricket

Too bad he is never here to do his super cool sledges. Still thinking of them I guess.
Nah, just enjoying that "LIFE" thing I told you about.

And TTFSL - The Totally eFfing Sad Losers. Simple, clear, easy to remember, and totally honest. :)
LOL wonder where the TFFFFFSllllleok members are maybe rehabilation btw a nice pic there Highlander they're gonna be crying after losing to us
I see they've met Tassie. Considering their vocabulary, they've probably gone off to get a Dictionary to find out what the word "Outlandish"...
I have nothing to add to this thread except to agree with the point that certain people do tend to go straight to personal insults when a post is a little bit too good for them to respond to in kind.
Thanks, that was what I after. Sorry for making you waste your time like that. I knew someone here would pick that up straight away. Look through my old posts, I never type like that. Just proves that PC is full of grammar nazi's!
Again, sorry for making you waste your time by writing that huge post! ;)
Tassie only writes long posts regarding trivial matters, so please keep giving him things to waste his time on since they're usually quite funny :D!

tassietiger said:
Unfortunately for you, I knew you were hoping for that. I knew that you'd pounce on any opportunity to call someone a Grammar Nazi, so I thought I'd set you up by writing exactly what you wanted. Thanks for doing that. Just proves that TFSLTSFSFSLFSL is full of capital letters (was going to say crap, but thought it would be rude so I didn't include it).

Anyway, Nazi is very harsh. Nazi's imposed a strict regime promoting the blonde blue-eyed ideal person, and if you were a Jew they killed you. When I noticed your spelling mistake, I called you Tommy Emmanuel. He is actually quite talented, so if anything that was a compliment. I'd much rather be called Tommy Emmanuel than be killed in a gas chamber using Zyklon B (yes, I research before posting, it expands my knowledge)

And don't apologise for making me write a long post again. I actually love it. I can waste time rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and never get bored. (except just then when I stopped writing 'and on' as I got bored) But one thing I will never, ever, ever waste my time doing, is searching through your old posts. I search through my old posts a lot. I find some gems. But suggesting I search through YOUR posts is laughable. I just don't have that much time on my hands.

You laughed at that? Sure, if you thought it was an outlandish statement, you might have raised an eyebrow, but actually laughing? There is much funnier things out there. Watch Dad's Army, classic stuff, I crack myself up whenever Jones says 'Permission to speak, sir.' But us comparing us to Jimi Hendrix isn't really worth laughing at, unless you like shows like According to Jim and King of Queens, and then it's actually pretty funny.

And didn't Jimi know it. Seriously, when he burnt that guitar, how high would've he been. Legend. Just like us.
Tassie :hpraise
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Nah, just enjoying that "LIFE" thing I told you about.

And TTFSL - The Totally eFfing Sad Losers. Simple, clear, easy to remember, and totally honest. :)

10/10 for effort, but normally these are only funny when you have got your abbreviation right and are directing it at the people you are intending to abuse.

Considering we are TFFSL your comment has been well and truly nullified.

We could call you PT - Planet Toilet, but it wouldn't be accurate would it?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I thought it was time to bring the correct grammar usage bracket back into your court.

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