PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

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Chairman of Selectors
Dec 4, 2003
Ste's Trenchcoat
Online Cricket Games Owned
PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

It is clear that PlanetCricket is suffering from a crisis at the moment. Both staff and members need to work together so that we can improve the forums in a constructive and peaceful manner. This post will outline current key problems at the forums and I strongly encourage members to post their views and suggestions in regards to those and related ones.

The forum is for members
There should be equilibrium between the members and staff. Staff members are no better than members and members should be treated with the respect they deserve.
This includes:
  • Accepting the fact that people cannot type in Proper English.
  • Listening and acknowledging feedback, views and ideas.
  • Accepting people’s point of view.
  • Respecting members no matter what race, religion or age they are.
  • It’s a forum for teenagers primarily, not adults.
  • Just because a staff member doesn’t agree with a member it doesn’t mean they have to influence them because of their stature.
  • Staff should interact with members on a friendly level, not at an imposing level.
Corruption of Power after promotions
  • Various members have changed their attitude after promotion.
  • They shouldn’t become engulfed in their power and want to take control unnecessarily just so they appear to be doing their job correctly.
Too Strict
  • Members need to be given a second chance.
  • Consistency shouldn’t prevail. At the moment it is apparent that staff members are being too harsh in moderating.
  • Issues should be reviewed on a case to case basis.
  • Thread topics can cover wider issues than the topic at hand. Exploration of other related issues to a topic should be OK. Things such as getting slightly off topic shouldn’t warrant deleted posts or threads closed.
  • Members shouldn’t feel shut out or ignored.
Freedom of Speech
  • People shouldn’t be deterred from posting due to fear of thread closure/deletion of posts.
  • People should be able express their views without fear of punishment.
Without a doubt, forums should be fun and shouldn’t be boring. The restrictive manner of the staff has made it evident that the forum’s quality has deteriorated. It would be greatly appreciated if you, the members, help us so that the forums will be an even better place for all of us to enjoy.

The Planetcricket Downfall : The members thoughts!

Over the past months I have seen a downfall in the patience and willingness from staff members. Both Staff and Members are obviously aware of this problem else this wouldn't be posted. I have thought for a long amount of time about what is happening and why generally the way the forum is run is going downhill.

Now it would be foolish to say that you didn't think things have changed at PC as it obviously have done, those who have been here for more than 6 months will be aware of changes in members and staff tolerance. Lately I’ve been seeing nearly every staff member closing threads without prior notice, now i understand, and i feel many people do that off-topicness can be a killer in a forum is handled badly, but if handle over-well as most staff are doing lately it can also cause a forum to die down. We have seen the older characters die away, James, Sam (Muel) as well as others. I believe the two mentioned haven't been as active due to the closure in the Super thread, I'm not going to talk about that here due to it being a very different topic and i believe that was closed for good reason.

With working with a staff member in Duff we know both sides of the arguments, Duff the staff and me the member and we both agree on one main thing, the Forum is for members not staff...Of course staff are also members but they are there to keep the forum in check and they are of late being very harsh with closing threads, just lately Kev closed one thread in the feedback forum which wasnt justified as i can see, im not going to go mod-bashing as it isnt fair and every staff member is in place due to them having qualities which make them good to keep the forum ticking over but rules and way to staff needs to be again told to staff as the closure of topics is getting beyond a farce and is starting to annoy members.

Why is it that members are fustrated?

? Closure of threads is becoming a farce as i said earlier, its becoming so bad that people are speaking out which is making staff annoyed and less likely to help. There needs to be a system in place which says that one warning is to be given by any member of staff and then its to the next staff member who sees the ongoing problem to either close it or re-warn, now after one warning no one can complain.
? Staff need to learn that its them who are leading the forums and doing things the way they are currently they are putting people off coming to the forums.
I said earlier i wasnt going to mod-bash so i believe i should say something which is good what they do, most are friendly, reletively good when modding the forums and also great people to talk to with a genuine interest in Cricket. Another good thing the staff have done is keep the forums up to date with the upgrade in the forums effecting every staff member who has apperently done there part.

PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

-Freedom of Speech ( Zim's closure is bad working practice.

-Corruption of Power the fact globies now feel after there upgrade from moderator to globie they have to be stricter and close more things etc. Comment on Kev and his techniques since his change to green.

-Too Strict (consistency shouldn’t prevail) Threads being closed without proper good reasoning

-Forum is for the members, not the staff Staff should understand that the forum is a lot for members, not just for staff, due to there being a lot of new members joining every day, it can be increasingly difficult not only for staff but members as they are interacting with all sorts of new people (COMMUNITY FORUM)

-Forums should be fun the whole point of a forum is for it to be fun and enjoyable else no one will join, the closure of the super thread is one example where moderators and admin could have given warnings and guidelines on how to keep it open, that way THE MOST popular thread on PC would still be open

-Interaction with members during our time on PC we have encountered many times when members havent really been treated fairly (you say you want consitancy but members dont recieve it) and things like closing threads is a bad thing (there are good things with staff, like Kev gave me a second chance with not giving me a sig ban)

-Listening and acknowledging feedback, views and ideas. in the forum which is specified to feedback mods and admin are too easily closing threads they feel have had there say but mods and admins have understand once its closed people are too scared to create another thread to have there say in things

-Accepting peoples point of view The forum has 24,700 members (correct of 13th April) and it is obviously true that some of these members are either going to have a slightly differnt point of view or an outragoues on, it isnt a mods or admins duty to close it when someone says something out of order, it is infact there duty to understand it, and if needs be make it clear that members are entitled to points of views (instead of just closing a thread)

-Deterioration of the quality of the forum in my year and a bit on the forums people have come and gone, usually after they have gone they have been replaced by other quality members, but of late the forums has hit a spam-infested waters with new members bringing this metality into it (obviously difficult for staff, but closing, deleting and banning members and there posts can be better handled with polite reminders of the rules and warning via PM - this way more threads can stay open)

-Respecting members no matter what race, religion or age they are This is a very good forum for anything racist is very rare, but on the rare occasions disagreements happen staff should sort it out in a quick and good manner, usually staff first close the thread then delete (members would like to to see deleting the bad posts then the members involved given warnings, again this way threads can stay open)

-Accepting the fact that people cannot type in Proper English this again goes along with spam, it is increasingly difficult for staff to read both spam AND members like WORLD_CHAMPIONS not being able to type proper english, this also contributes to a lot of threads being closed, which isnt right, members who cannot type proper english should be advised BY PM on the correct way to say things, even members can help by helping those who cannot do proper english - its a community forum, help people

-Forums are for mainly teenagers, not adults (although we do respect the forum is open to any age) again, looking at the forums there is a massive percentage of 13 - 19 year olds, and there are not that many older than 20, but all members respect that it is a community forum which can bring in any amount of people at any age, this is tricky, as i would say the Forums are mainly for teens, which in that case the fun side is only usually fun to those of a similar age group, older mods should be aware of that (humour is a difficult thing, things such as the gay talk in the superthread is unacceptable, which is agreed by most members)
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All I ask is that the staff members become more in touch with us regulars instead of just acting like they are our kings. There are some moderators who seem to nothing but lurk about on their computers all day waiting for someone to do something out of turn and smite them for it.
All I ask is that the staff members become more in touch with us regulars instead of just acting like they are our kings. There are some moderators who seem to nothing but lurk about on their computers all day waiting for someone to do something out of turn and smite them for it.

Totally agree, its what we are trying to get across, punishment should be consitant but doesnt mean every off-topic mention should be deleted or closed. Punishment should be fair and not over harsh as it tends to be now.
Yeah , i can't agree more. Although i haven't been on the other any of the two sides at the moment, i have generally experienced some rash behaviour by mods. This is not a attack at the mods but i'd say some who everybody knows are not in the right way of treatment and to be honest i do not interact and also feel scared to interact with them after a spate of incidents. Although some have been a lot helpfull and very respecting.

I think we need elections every year as the only solution , how and where should be decided. I think more deserving people should be at the vital positions.
Elections wouldnt be a bad idea... because how do mods get chosen in the first place?
Elections wouldnt be a bad idea... because how do mods get chosen in the first place?
This really isnt the place to give suggestions on how Mods are decided, although i like the idea, Mods are pretty much chosen by Admins, with input from Mods and Globies.

Please stick to the topic here, because myself and Duff want views on what we have said :)
This really isnt the place to give suggestions on how Mods are decided, although i like the idea, Mods are pretty much chosen by Admins, with input from Mods and Globies.

Please stick to the topic here, because myself and Duff want views on what we have said :)

I know what you have posted is the important most topic , but I have presented a solution for it. If it is that only admins decide the mods then , It's high time we have elections where we have 50% quantity votes from admins and remaining 50% in the hands of members.
Elections for mods isn't wise because I have every faith in the Admim team's ability to pick moderators of quality. The moderating itself is of a pretty high standard and strictly speaking, they are only doing their jobs and aren't doing much wrong. However, a lot of hem are far too trigger happy and seem to think they are better than everyone else.
No, elections are a bad idea to me. There's nothing wrong with the current crop , they just need to lighten up a bit! Wait and see how a discussion pans out before closing it.

Use a hierachy:

Global Mod

So, if a staff member closes a thread, and the global mod thinks it should have been left open, they would have the power to it on an ethical basis.
It’s a forum for teenagers primarily, not adults.

It is?

People should be able express their views without fear of punishment.

Within reason, obviously?

Ironically one of the forums I go on where I was 'senior poster' :D (in terms of posts not age) recently has gone to pot (still there but the regulars have gone) as the mods were making silly decisions (on a completely different level to here btw, some of you may not agree with what the mods do at times but it's on a completely different level) the forum has had very little activity in the last 2 weeks. It'll probably bounce up again but not with the same members.

Is it a crisis?

Well the English summer is going to start again and I think the length of the WC affected us tbh as people were getting bored after 7 long weeks. Of course it's also exam time so people are busy with that. We're only 3 days from the first English test of the summer so things will boost soon. The upgrade has affected things but it seems to be getting smoother and more reliable. I think it'll iron itself out with some persistance from us. I'm certainly not going anywhere!


Edit: Least we forget that I think this is the best Cricket forum on the web.
Yeah Lee is on the same lines as me in the sens that the moderating isn't actually bad, some of them just need to get a sense of humour.

Here here Sureshot, I raise my glass of tonic water to that. ;)
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No doubt that the current lot isn't Carp , and are very good infact. But seriously speaking i do not ask questions about the ability of admins to select and promote mods. Why is a election a bad Idea? with 75% votes with the admins and 25% with members. Not annual affair but maybe after a copule of years
Because elections would induce favouritism and people would vote for their mates to be mods rather than someone who is actually worthy of the job.
But with only 25% votes counting by menbers it would fade in the long run.
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