PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

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the only way to avoid bias is through voting whos to say the people deciding now dont do it

of course people will vote for their friends but in the long run those votes will not be a deciding factor
To be honest, I was surprised that such a topic even came about existing. This is the kind of topic that is closed by moderators specifying the reason, "If you have a problem with a particular moderation, please contact the moderator in question and an administrator after that, if your problem isn't solved."

I think we are losing the primary focus of the forum in moderation. There is absolutely no way that any discussion remains absolutely on-topic; if there is, then I want no part of it because it's boring. I remember times (nostalgia alert) when I would scour through 10-20 pages of forum chatter without thinking, "This post is off-topic, it should be deleted", but rather enjoying the discussion that was taking place, whether it was humorous, serious, or contributed to the discussion.

Finally, I have a large problem with how off-topic posts are determined. This has come into the limelight after the hack that shows deleted posts and their reasons was applied. It seems like we have to stick to the topic so directly that even a joke cannot be made. This is not the forum I joined 2-3 years back (but that is to be expected since change always takes place).

The only thing that keeps me coming back to this forum is my love for the game of cricket and the various 'communities' I'm involved in (be it Cricsim or updating people about Cricket Career). I've almost stopped visiting the Cricket Chat Forum (which was one of my favorites) primarily due to my dislike for the new (over-)organization of it and also because almost any discussion that seems to become minutely interesting is either closed, threatened to be closed, described to be unrelated to the thread-topic or has posts deleted due to tiny breaking of the rules.

If the rules are to be applied perfectly, we don't need moderators. If moderators become automatic, I think we could have a bot moderator that could do the job pretty well. The purpose of having moderators is so that the human element prevails--if a discussion is getting slightly over-heated, their job is to maintain decorum and ensure the discussion goes on, rather than delete posts.
From day 1 on this forum, I have found the style of moderating depressingly annoying, you get told off because you go ever so slightly off topic. This is why I don't post that much on this board as I do on others, because I come on forums to enjoy it, and have fun discussion. The Superthread used to be the outlet from that, but with that gone...I only come for cric sim and cricket chat.

It is so refreshing to hear Duff's and Simon's words, I 100% agree.
It is so refreshing to hear Duff's and Simon's words, I 100% agree.
Indeed it is. Surprising too. I like duff as a moderator because you can make fun of him and he will take in in jest. Like Cricket Master 2005. Umm... errr...

It would be oh-so-perfect if this post was deleted, specifying reasons of "SPAM" or "OFF-TOPIC".
Election is a good idea , but i have quite doubt whether it will also work out well or not .
Wow this is a suprise, until I read this I never even knew the Superthread was closed! I guess if things were getting out of hand there though, and with the amount of younger people there are on the forums, then it probably was a good idea.

All I think it needs on the staff members part is a bit of common sense really. Stop and think about what is being discussed and on what level before jumping one step ahead and pressing the 'close thread' button. A lot more could be achieved that way and would bring an end to the debating which seems to be occuring. Ive been here for a good 3 years now and its been a great pleasure getting to know all the users of the site and every single staff member, admin and mod has always come across as a very friendly and quality person.

A site like this is going to draw spam, no doubt, and with the service many of our members provide in creating quality patches and such for the cricket games, there are always going to be members creating new threads or spamming ones already in existance asking for something, and ive been here for long enough to see that it can be anoying on occasions, but a simple PM to that person pointing out a thread where they can ask or just simply reminding them about forum rules would be much more helpful than closing the thread and leaving that person in the dark as to where to go, meaning the chances of them remaining on the site would be slim.

Just think, if one person comes here, starts a thread asking for something and has that thread closed, they are going to leave the site with such a bad experience they will never come back. Chances are they would tell all there friends to stay away who would then tell there friends and so on! PC would soon have a rep as a strict forum with un-friendly members and staff.

We all just need to think about what we are writing or the actions we take before clicking the post or submit button, if this is done, im sure the discontent that exists on the forums currently would soon vanish.
I too have been driven off this forum and have been posting less due to the annyoing, strict, aggressive methods of some Mods here. It is good to see something like this come about.
I too have been driven off this forum and have been posting less due to the annyoing, strict, aggressive methods of some Mods here. It is good to see something like this come about.

Same here.

Am I the only with an overwhelming expectation of one of the aforementioned mods coming here and closing this thread? It would sum up the current situation perfectly.
I see it coming too. Ofcourse, it would be right after:

If you have any problems with any of the Mods or Admins, please contact a member via PM.
Thread Closed.
It is so refreshing to hear Duff, changed wolfs post a bit to that. Duff is the best moderater i have seen on any forum! ever! Because he is leniant with posts and threads and he can have a laugh unlike some...

But hte Election idea is totally wrong as some members would abuse their powers.
Duff is the best moderater i have seen on any forum! ever! Because he is leniant with posts and threads and he can have a laugh unlike some...

Otherwise known as sending mixed messages and not being consistent.
I don't think this thread is an appropriate outlet for these issues and I think its both hypocritical and unacceptable for it to be started by a staff member. There is a procedure in place to deal with these things and after posting a thread like this I don't see how the staff are supposed to get on with their jobs.
I have always said if you have an issue with a moderator, global moderator that isn't resolved PM me. How many PM's on the subject have I received this past month? None.

The bottom line is that whilst I, and other admin, are always willing to listen to suggestions to improve the forum this isn't meant to be a democracy. The forum has rules which you agree to follow when you sign up; if you can't follow them then don't post.

I'm sad and angry that people have chosen this way of expressing their disatisfaction; both members and staff. I certainly don't run this forum to come back home and read a thread like this and I will have to consider whether I really want to continuing administering a forum where the members feel free to openly criticise everything about the way we run it and demand such things as elections for moderators.

I've nothing to say except that by choosing to raise the issues in this way, wholly against the spirit of the forum, it's left me feeling hugely disappointed with certain people.
Can't we set another rank here? Lower than Mod but higher than a regular member.

The Majority of the forum is covered by teenagers, and being teenagers we all make life fun. Arguing(debating), Talking about random stuff, you know having a bit of fun. Most of us understand the limits, but we can't debate without being stopped. I have seen debating on other successful cricket forums, and this only helps members keep active, and to have a purpose in the Forums.
Quite frankly, this is the sort of thread Planetcricket needs right now. There IS a crisis and it's all to do with power hungry mods. They're acting like Victorian school teachers.

What you need is to PM a few exeperienced, long term members and make them part of a group that can see a special forum, and if they ever hear anything or feel anything untoward with the forum, they can raise their issues there for the SPECIAL attention of admin.
Can't we set another rank here? Lower than Mod but higher than a regular member.

The Majority of the forum is covered by teenagers, and being teenagers we all make life fun. Arguing(debating), Talking about random stuff, you know having a bit of fun. Most of us understand the limits, but we can't debate without being stopped. I have seen debating on other successful cricket forums, and this only helps members keep active, and to have a purpose in the Forums.

I think it would suit the forum better if all this teenage chat took place in the superthread rather than clogging up the forums and general chat section.

I also think that the focus of this forum is waning from cricket and cricket games to the general chat section and sports forums. The activitiy in the Bangladesh Vs India thread is shockingly low, 87 posts but 1,177 views is shocking, are people afraid of moderation to post? I don't believe so, but it is a distinct possibility and shouldn't be. The focus must be restored to cricket and cricket games. But I don't know how.

These are not the most elequantly phrased views and I myself can pick faults in them but these are my views.
2004-2005 was a brilliant time to be here. The mods (Kev, barmyarmy, Ste[he's not been active so it's not his fault] etc.) were all trying to patch the new cricket games c2k4, 2k5, BLIC2K5. There's been no cricket games for months (not ones we're able to massively edit anyway) so the mods have nothing better to do than dictate others.
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