PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

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There IS a crisis and it's all to do with power hungry mods.

bugger off back to Cricket opinion or CoOpinion or whatever you call it these days, i find that you making forums so much is just adding fuel to the fire by letting them get away with other things so if you really want not be controlled then go back to co and get controlled there, but your admin there so its different isnt it?:rolleyes:
With a thread like this we can all read each other's views and comment on them.

The recent innovation so that we can see why our threads or posts have been deleted has been a positive move.

bugger off back to Cricket opinion or CoOpinion or whatever you call it these days, i find that you making forums so much is just adding fuel to the fire by letting them get away with other things so if you really want not be controlled then go back to co and get controlled there, but your admin there so its different isnt it?:rolleyes:

Sorry, that's low. I've made one bloody forum in nearly a year. It must be something personal against me.
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Leicester Fox you do have a point, another point interesting discussions get stopped in full stream when closed is because if someone makes a new thread which is similar to the one closed, it is almost certainly going to be closed ;)
bugger off back to Cricket opinion or CoOpinion or whatever you call it these days, i find that you making forums so much is just adding fuel to the fire by letting them get away with other things so if you really want not be controlled then go back to co and get controlled there, but your admin there so its different isnt it?:rolleyes:

Look mate, your a member of Planetcricket Patch Team, you cant talk to a member like that, after all... We are what makes a forum, without members you have nothing. You close this thread and the crisis will rise and grow larger, you wonder why no one is active? they are telling you now. you need to listen and take note.

It doesnt matter how you admin a forum, you need member feedback, if all of us went and you only had mods and admins, wouldnt be a forum would it?

so shut up and listen to what we are putting across as we are infact a part of the forum inforstructure, everyone is equal. You can say an admin is the most important part, No they arent, if all the admins here went. We could elect new ones or go run a different forum which most of us are doing now anyway.

Im sorry for my agressiveness but this thread has got to me on how you treat us sometimes and by acting with abit of ignorance and not listening, just forget your position and work together to get this forum back to shape, tbh i dont give a **** if you are a mod, you can neg rep me or whatever i dont care to be frank, its wrong as im putting my view across along with other valuable members in a FEEDBACK / SUGGESTIONS section.

This post may get deleted, lol. Il just post it again.
Look mate, your a member of Planetcricket Patch Team, you cant talk to a member like that, after all... We are what makes a forum, without members you have nothing. You close this thread and the crisis will rise and grow larger, you wonder why no one is active? they are telling you now. you need to listen and take note.

It doesnt matter how you admin a forum, you need member feedback, if all of us went and you only had mods and admins, wouldnt be a forum would it?

so shut up and listen to what we are putting across as we are infact a part of the forum inforstructure, everyone is equal. You can say an admin is the most important part, No they arent, if all the admins here went. We could elect new ones or go run a different forum which most of us are doing now anyway.

Im sorry for my agressiveness but this thread has got to me on how you treat us sometimes and by acting with abit of ignorance and not listening, just forget your position and work together to get this forum back to shape, tbh i dont give a **** if you are a mod, you can neg rep me or whatever i dont care to be frank, its wrong as im putting my view across along with other valuable members in a FEEDBACK / SUGGESTIONS section.

This post may get deleted, lol. Il just post it again.

i agree with some of your views but how do you expect someone to listen when you berrate them like this?
Just to be clear duded64 is not a mod or staff member so most of what you have just posted is irrelevant anyway.
Just to be clear duded64 is not a mod or staff member so most of what you have just posted is irrelevant anyway.

No, iv just pratically gone over what other people have said and i have been a tad over the top but im putting my view across aswell as anyone, this is the thing about equality.
No, iv just pratically gone over what other people have said and i have been a tad over the top but im putting my view across aswell as anyone, this is the thing about equality.

Rich, your bypassing what Colin is saying, you spoke as your talking to Duded, and as he was a staff member when infact he is a patchteam member, nothing more, just as i am a reviewer (of what patches i dont know :p) but we have no more responsibilities with this forum than you :) just a differnt coloured name!
Rich, your bypassing what Colin is saying, you spoke as your talking to Duded, and as he was a staff member when infact he is a patchteam member, nothing more, just as i am a reviewer (of what patches i dont know :p) but we have no more responsibilities with this forum than you :) just a differnt coloured name!

I only said a little bit to him, at the begginning if you all read correctly, the rest is about the general, not just him.
There has been an awful lot of in my personal opinion, over-moderation at the moment. Some mods just need to calm down a bit and see where a thread goes instead of closing it, when there are a couple of slightly off-topic posts.

I wont name names of mods, who I think have perhaps abused their powers, as thats unfair. However I think a typical example is the superthread. One moderator said anymore talk about gays and the superthread will go, then another forum member posted a wind-up post, in humour. Now instead of this moderating laughing it off, he automatically closed the thread and either moved or deleted it, whichever it was we haven't seen it since. The chat isn't as near as good as the superthread used to be. That was a place where good lively debate could go on.

Elections isn't a good idea, the only possible way it could work is if, the admins nominated people and then the members vote. Even then though, the problem of friends could arise.

Jazz, that post isn't exactly clever, yes its their forum, but a forum is nothing without members who are enjoying their time there.
Look mate, your a member of Planetcricket Patch Team, you cant talk to a member like that, after all... We are what makes a forum, without members you have nothing. You close this thread and the crisis will rise and grow larger, you wonder why no one is active? they are telling you now. you need to listen and take note.

so let me get this straight, people moan about the mods and soforth acting like they are above everyone else. yet being in the patchteam means occording to you that i have to be on the same level as the members who arent patchteam but im not able to express my opinion? so basically you contradicted yourself there. Also id like to take note than none of the forums set up have suceeded on the same scale as planetcricket and never will do.
There has been an awful lot of in my personal opinion, over-moderation at the moment. Some mods just need to calm down a bit and see where a thread goes instead of closing it, when there are a couple of slightly off-topic posts.

I wont name names of mods, who I think have perhaps abused their powers, as thats unfair. However I think a typical example is the superthread. One moderator said anymore talk about gays and the superthread will go, then another forum member posted a wind-up post, in humour. Now instead of this moderating laughing it off, he automatically closed the thread and either moved or deleted it, whichever it was we haven't seen it since. The chat isn't as near as good as the superthread used to be. That was a place where good lively debate could go on.

Elections isn't a good idea, the only possible way it could work is if, the admins nominated people and then the members vote. Even then though, the problem of friends could arise.

Jazz, that post isn't exactly clever, yes its their forum, but a forum is nothing without members who are enjoying their time there.

i completely agree, you must see that most of us arent happy, i started off ages ago posting alot then just died down as i just didnt enjoy my time here, there is just such a bad problem arising here, wether it be between mods and members or members and posts/threads being deleted/moved for no reason.

@duded64: you have got it wrong, in that post it seems you thing planet Cricket is the best froum in the world, and no one can match it. Wrong, Planet cricket is no where near the best forum or biggest or anything for that matter, members are leaving this forum and you can sit there and type out that its great?
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ask yourself a question then. why are you still visiting planetcricket if you think its rubbish and dont like the way its run? there must be something making you come back.
you have got it wrong, in that post it seems you thing planet Cricket is the best froum in the world, and no one can match it. Wrong, Planet cricket is no where near the best forum or biggest or anything for that matter, members are leaving this forum and you can sit there and type out that its great?

If you dont like it, leave, and i can tell you, i'd be the first to push you out of the door, i dont want to go off-topic here, but Planetcricket is THE biggest cricket download site out there, and thats a fact, not just some biased member whos been here for a year and some, its a fact.

Now if i remember correctly you've started a few forums, whats up with them? They popular, hmmm no.

Anyways boys, please keep refering to the fact of this thread, its going off-topic, we want your views on current state of moderation, how it can be improved and please, dont name names, it isnt fair.
i completely agree, you must see that most of us arent happy, i started off ages ago posting alot then just died down as i just didnt enjoy my time here, there is just such a bad problem arising here, wether it be between mods and members or members and posts/threads being deleted/moved for no reason.

@duded64: you have got it wrong, in that post it seems you thing planet Cricket is the best froum in the world, and no one can match it. Wrong, Planet cricket is no where near the best forum or biggest or anything for that matter, members are leaving this forum and you can sit there and type out that its great?

What do you mean ages ago, your profile says you joined in Jan 2007. I think duded64 means that Planetcricket is the best cricket forum, which I agree with.

I personally feel that a lot has been made out of this crisis thing. I dont see any huge problem with the way the forums are being moderated. I believe that it has been stated in the rules that if you have a problem with any of the mods then you can PM the admin about it rather than start a thread about it.
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