PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

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hmmm well everyone has views on it, i think this thread should be kept open all the time for ppl to reflect upon what has been fought and discussed and to put their views across, i also appologize for my behaviour ealier, bit immature.

Why dont you review all the mods, get them all together and discuss all of this and what everyone is sayign and see what they think, then you as admins can then make discisions etc. and other stuff regarding this.
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That couldn't be more off-topic if you tried!!!

Well the post was on topic just that the last link was a link for ppl like me that were a tad 'muffed off' if you will, your post was actually more offtopic.
no, it wasn't as i was trying to keep you on topic
no, it wasn't as i was trying to keep you on topic

Is there any need for the last 4 posts, and oh Rich, remove that link, its illagal on the forums.

Do you boys want this closed? NO, stay on topic please, dont be dumb to get it closed
I couldn't be bothered to read all the posts but I saw Matt's posts in the first page and he speaks for so many of us.

Things like mods not being in touch with us members I also get the feeling that mods either favour certain members or just feel they are better than us.

One of the reasons I havn't been posting as much is because coming to PC now is like going to a school or somthing its not as free stretch as it used to be.
Is there any need for the last 4 posts, and oh Rich, remove that link, its illagal on the forums.

Do you boys want this closed? NO, stay on topic please, dont be dumb to get it closed

soz, its removed, btw nice post on first page (#2) sums it all up.

hmmm well everyone has views on it, i think this thread should be kept open all the time for ppl to reflect upon what has been fought and discussed and to put their views across, i also appologize for my behaviour ealier, bit immature.

Why dont you review all the mods, get them all together and discuss all of this and what everyone is sayign and see what they think, then you as admins can then make discisions etc. and other stuff regarding this.

@ Will_NA, How is the above quote off topic? my post wasnt off topic, thats my point it actually wasnt off topic. I was merely stating that this thread should be kept open for members all the time to pop in and give feedback as such, to me that is on topic as we are talking about members giving their views across to the staff, anyway, il not go on as this is offtopic now.
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My intention wasn't to put the staff in bad light. What is done is done and I am deeply sorry if I offended anyone.
I didn't intend this thread to be a means in which staff could be attacked and humiliated. I'm not impressed how various members have acted in this thread and I feel much anger that this issue hasn't gone down too well.
I care very much for the members because after all - it is YOUR forum. In turn, I intended this to be a peaceful way in which members could voice their opinions and be heard without fear or punishment. But please bear in mind that taking advantage of the situation and hurting people would be a direct contradiction to why I started the thread, so be very mindful of what is said.
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A Sad Day For PlanetCricket

What once was a mere forum some years ago has developed into a community. Thanks to Ste, Phil, and Colin primarily, the community has flourished and continues to recruit Staff from within this community to help keep it flourishing. Until today, I had thought that we all shared in that goal.

All I have heard in this thread is what so many of the Staff hear on a daily basis: "me, me, me, me, me"; "I want this, I want that"; "This is so unfair"; "Why can't we have this?" Enough is enough. The very essence of a community is that it is populated with individuals who contribute in different but supposedly equal ways.

In the face of such unadulterated immaturity, foot-stamping, tantrum throwing, and general disrespect, I have to ask: Do you think we are morons? Do you really think we are as self-involved and uppety as is being made out here? Do you really believe we do the things we do just to reinforce some sort of petty hierarchy which makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

The next time any of you feels like you are being hard done by, either individually or collectively, consider this. Most of us spend a great deal of time, care, and consideration not only in the day-to-day running of this place but also in trying to constantly improve it, add to it, and generally make it the best place it can be. Who do you suppose we do that for? It's not for ourselves I can tell you. No one knows more than those of us on Staff that a community without members is nothing. And so we go about our business with the intention of creating and maintaining something we can all be proud of and enjoy.

Phil, Ste, Colin, Andrew, Kev, myself (and others) not only have full-time jobs but we also devote a significant amount of our spare time to these forums. Our job is basically thankless. We run the site day-to-day; we produce content, applications, and patches. Moreover, we provide others with the tools, knowledge, experience, and encouragement to do the same. If it is too much to hope for some respect in return then to hell with the lot of you. I'm not talking about bowing down in deference, treating us like Kings or returning heroes. What I'm talking about is treating us as though we might actually know what we're doing from time to time; having faith that we might have a bigger picture in mind when we take isolated action (whether it's closing a thread, deleting a post, or upgrading the forums).

Sure, we could let everyone do whatever the hell they felt like. You could post illegal downloads, porn, content from other people's websites, bad language. We could sit back and let you all flame one another. We could do a whole lot of stuff just by doing nothing. Of course, if we did, six months down the line, there would probably be no forum.

And here we get to the crux of the problem. This thread is a thinly veiled attempt to have a go at one or two staff members in particular - and we all know who - who are trying to ensure the future prosperity of the site for all of us. However, the real upshot is that all of the staff have been tarred by this same brush. We are all being held to collective account. To paraphrase Duff, "Staff members should be treated with the respect they deserve". So my response is simple. If the deletion of a few threads and posts constitutes a crisis then I'm not worried about the state of PlanetCricket's health quite frankly.

Perhaps that's just because I can write in proper English, think I'm a King, think I'm better than all you members so don't care about your opinions. Or maybe it's because I can see this thread and this debate for what it is - a shameful witch hunt. Maybe we should all give up, turn the running of the site over to "the only staff member who understands", have elected mods, no rules, etc., etc., and just say that PlanetCricket was nice while it lasted.

After all, it's popularity that matters above all else, right? :rolleyes:
Perhaps that's just because I can write in proper English, think I'm a King, think I'm better than all you members so don't care about your opinions. Or maybe it's because I can see this thread and this debate for what it is - a shameful witch hunt. Maybe we should all give up, turn the running of the site over to "the only staff member who understands", have elected mods, no rules, etc., etc., and just say that PlanetCricket was nice while it lasted.
Uhh... victimization.

A witch-hunt it has turned into but it was not that when it started. I think it started as an honest attempt to rectify some of the problems that were creeping into moderation; to ignore these problems would be to do what we have been doing and in effect causing significant frustration to a large number of members.

The PM system does not work in this situation. If so many people are having similar problems, there is reason to believe that there may be a larger, perhaps semi-conscious, reason for which things are happening the way they are. Taking up a specific situation with a moderator or administrator will not bring this into any light, will leave the member in question frustrated, and leave the moderator feeling he did absolutely correctly, even if he may not have.

This thread was not created to have a bash at the rules. I agree with most of the sane posts in this thread in that a system of elections would be foolish. Implementation of rules in a thoughtful manner is not something that can be determined democratically, in my opinion. I think that the crop of staff members that the administrators have chosen are perfectly fine but that their style of moderation is sometimes questionable.

It's one thing to apply the rules automatically like a computer, and another to see the situation and apply it as required. I believe I understand the point of view of the moderators--that actions speak louder than words. There is only so many times you can ask a person not to incite other members and such, but I believe sacrificing discussion because of one or two ignorances of the rules is unfair to everyone involved.
Its interesting to see how not all the staff is interacting with this thread.

One thing guys, staff members are HUMAN beings. I have lots of staff members on my msn, and i talk with quite a lot of them. Frankly speaking, if we are not naming the mods, i wouldnt name the members, but there are some members which have to show in every forum that they are SUPER COOL. Even though i am not a mod i sometimes feel frustrated from the OVER EXcess of Sense of humour. Humour should be limited to an amount, in my not very small stay here, i have observed that sarcacsm and cracking jokes have gone to a no return limit. If PC is in a crisis, its members also that are cause of it. There is just no need of cracking jokes and showing that you are aware of something.

In the downloads forum, i have seen many people spam, and most of the posts are just Very good, very good, keep it up. And that too after every 2 - 3 posts. ! I mean, its really good appreciating members for their work, but some people use it to their advantage to increase their post count.

I am not making it a clean sweep for mods either. Moderators also have changed a lot. But i believe some frustration has been caused due to us members over enjoying. The mods should look into the topics and read content and edit it, but as duff has pointed it out, there should be a difference between the two people. For example, duff is my one of the good friends at msn, same with colin, but i do keep a distance of seniority from them at the forums.

Concluding, i feel that PC in crisis, but to end it, both members and staff have to work. Staff should be a bit more friendly with the people, and in return people should respect the staff members.

I have lots more of random stuff to say, but i cant seem to organise it out into a post.
I agree with barmy that almost all the staff has been treated with the same brush when the actual so called problem was with maximum of copule of them. I respect your efforts that you are doing here in maintaining this place perfect and running an for giving your precious all the years time to this site outside your personal lives.

I think this thead has gone to bad ways mostly beacuse , people who didn't get much to say are flooding with thier views without any fear and respect towards the people who run it. This has been largely because of two reasons

1.> Beacuse the forum is not buzzing with activity like it did.( I'd say WE are responsible for it) No good games releasing, not much cricket etc. adding to this lack luster
2.> Some people have experienced a bit unfair behaviour with them at some point of time.

Hence when people found this thread , they voiced all the bad things they could imagine off and to a certain level have experienced and FORGOT to thank and appreciate the work and effort that is put in of recent in terms of upgrading as well which in fact no one has even mentioned.
hmmm, I have watched this thread from the beginning, and in that time I have changed my view. At the start I did believe Planetcricket was in a slight bit of crisis. However, I now only see that the mods are trying to do their jobs properly, but they are not doing it perfectly like some people would like. If they could be informed like they have in this thread, about the problems, then hopefully their would be a quick solution.

I have only been on these forums for a few month, but as of now, I have had a very enjoyable time on the best cricket forum on the net. That is besides the point though, I have not experienced any posts of mine deleted, or seen many threads wrongly closed. I think if you used the allocated forums for a laugh then that would be acceptable by the mods, General Chat and Never Ending Topics. Maybe, they could speak together and then decide on not being so harsh if a comment is slightly off-topic in these forums, anywhere else there is an off-topic comment then I have another idea.

If there could be someway that mods could ban a particular member from a thread after a couple of off-topic threads then that would be beneficial to the community. This means that the thread may carry on, but those who do not keep to the topic will be directly punished, and not everyone who wanted to take part in the discussion.

So, that is all I have to say, I do not believe the forum is in crisis, but maybe just a few of the well-liked members have not been so active recently. Good luck to the mods on resolving this situation.
Well I agree with everything that is in the first post, we are not trying to victimize you mods, but the fact is, many of you DON'T treat US with respect.

I will not name any names and aren't even thinking of any in particular, but the fact is that some of you guys are too strict at times, closing fun threads that everyone is enjoying (not JUST the superthread), and when we query them we often get a response that dissmisses us. I have even been ignored before when querying something that a moderator has done.

As Duff says, every member on this forum is as important as the next, and no one should feel bigger because they are a moderator. A community can't survive without members, and there is a reason that Duff was named mod of the year, it is because he is welcoming, funny and is genuinely kind. He does not snap at people when they say stupid things, he does not post angrily or sarcastically to put members down, and he is happy to give reasonable leeway when people are not on topic or things like that.

As Simbazz said, being on this forum can feel like going to school, with teachers being unresonable at times and not respecting kids. Don't let this happen on this forum. It is a community, not a dictatorship, and whilst I am exaggerating, it is true that mods can be a little abrupt and cold at times.

I do not have a problem with how the forum is going at all, but these are issues that should be looked at.

sohummisra said:
I've almost stopped visiting the Cricket Chat Forum (which was one of my favorites) primarily due to my dislike for the new (over-)organization of it and also because almost any discussion that seems to become minutely interesting is either closed, threatened to be closed, described to be unrelated to the thread-topic or has posts deleted due to tiny breaking of the rules.
This is one of the truest and best things I have read in a long time, there have been some ludicrous stay on topic things, and some that whilst true, are a little harsh, and have killed threads without closing them. I would give examples but don't want to seem like I'm attacking any particular mod, because I'm not.

barmyarmy said:
Otherwise known as sending mixed messages and not being consistent.
I don't think this thread is an appropriate outlet for these issues and I think its both hypocritical and unacceptable for it to be started by a staff member. There is a procedure in place to deal with these things and after posting a thread like this I don't see how the staff are supposed to get on with their jobs.

I'm sad and angry that people have chosen this way of expressing their disatisfaction; both members and staff. I certainly don't run this forum to come back home and read a thread like this and I will have to consider whether I really want to continuing administering a forum where the members feel free to openly criticise everything about the way we run it and demand such things as elections for moderators.

I've nothing to say except that by choosing to raise the issues in this way, wholly against the spirit of the forum, it's left me feeling hugely disappointed with certain people.
That is one of the saddest things I have ever read, that people are not allowed to express their opinions about this forum.

You use the word demand, but here are the so called 'demands:'
I think we need elections every year as the only solution, how and where should be decided. I think more deserving people should be at the vital positions.
Elections wouldnt be a bad idea... because how do mods get chosen in the first place?
Seem like suggestions, on a feedback/suggestion forum? Perish the thought!

I was exaggerating before when I used the term dictatorship, but I'm not now. You sound so much like a school teacher it's scary. I suppose now Duff will be demoted or banned just like Darrell Hair, for doing something that he believed in, though he knew that it would raise controversy. Perhaps now people like sohum who were against me on that topic will understand where I'm coming from.

The fact is, Duff started a thread that allows people to give their opinions without being scared of being dismissed, which happens all too much. It is happening now.

All mods might disagree with Duff, but I applaud him. Once again, there is a reason that he was appointed mod of the year, because he makes people like him. You might argue that mods don't need people to like them, that they need people to respect them, but come off it. Perhaps some of you can't remember what it is like to go to school, but I can gurantee you we don't respect the teachers that are cold and dismissive, we go home and curse them for being so annoying.

Once again, this is a feedback forum, for people to give feedback. I didn't know it was only a 'great job guys' kind of feedback forum. To say that this isn't a democracy is to dismiss the concept entirely. You make it sound like a dictatorship, which it isn't. We both live in free countries, so let's act like it. We're not asking for a complete democratic makeover, just some decency and respect.

Well, on the off chance that anyone has enough time to read all of this, thank you. Perhaps we can get people to listen to now, because let's face it, none of us want this forum to go under, I didn't even think there was a crisis here until I read some of the responses from mods. Let's all try and work together here to stop this forum from losing this battle.
First of all, I must apologise for my actions yesterday. There was a lot of things a lot of us wanted to get off our chests.

I think most of the members would like the staff to act in a similar way to Duff. He closes threads and deleted posts only if there is no alternative, and it's common sense like that which helps to win Moderator of the Year awards.

Some people are trying to spin this issue around, as if this thread is just an outlet for personal attacks on staff members and criticism for everything they do. It's not, it's a place for us to express our feelings about the current state of the forums and I feel it will be for the good of the forums in the long run.

Perhaps ignorance would be a good idea? If there's an off topic post in a thread, just ignore it. If that person isn't getting any attention from his remark than he's most likely not going to do it again. Or, a staff member could post something absolutely on topic so the next person to read the thread will want to reply to that post, and ignore the spam post. It's a better way of doing things than a staff member posting "Keep to the topic please".

With such a large forum, and the focus to make it suitable for all ages, it can be an incredibly difficult task to moderate this place. This place trys to make great downloads for cricket games, which it does, so there have got to be rules on warez and illegal software. There's so much to look out for, the staff just don't know what to do sometimes, so I think a huge amount of respect could go to these people for the jobs they do.

However, the staff can't just slate Duff for creating the thread and us, the members, for expressing our views. Everyone here is like minded, we all want to be here where the staff can be treated like friends and protectors.
i knew that such thing would arise considering the way things were going...
Yes, the forum is in a crisis. and its partly due to the staff and partly
due to inactiveness of many quality members.
i just dont feel like posting anymore cause theres hardly any interesting topic
its been 2 months since my exams got over and i have made only 30 posts
and most of them are in TAOC forums !

i totally agree with Duff here. IMO, he did the right thing asking for members to voice their opinions freely and you can see the result.
most of them are agreeing with it which means that there is a crisis
which is affecting the forum ! although blaming the staff entirely for it is not the solution. the quality of posts has been really poor as well.
but when i say quality members, it inflicts on the staff as well....the admins and many of the staff have been inactive for ages now. and its obvious that
the staff members can be labelled quality ! so its quite inter-related you know.

the most shocking thing for me was the support duff got from the staff.
not even a single staff is supporting him ! i am asking the staff....will you have
come to definite solution had this been raised in the staff forums and not
in public?? i doubt it..i was in the staff for like 8 months and such similar
situations have been raised reg.some staff being too strict and stuff.
i still remember colin requesting them to cut the members some slack but was there any change ? am sure duff would have observed this situation for a long time before making such a thread !

although duff has a tendency to make such risky decisions and i have
even disagreed with him in the past but i agree with him fully on this one.
i really dont understand why the staff is behaving like this ??????
they should take it in a constructive manner and ask themselves if they are a cause for this thread to arise instead of taking it as an offense.....

2004-2005 was the best period for me and for most of the members i guess.
the chat room was always filled, plently of patches being made,not much moaning,excellent timepass at the superthread etc etc.there used
to be that competition within everyone for making the best mod.i dont see it now. a good e.g would be c2k7 downloads. even though its easily editable,
i dont see much quality patches.the downloads forum is quite active although the download centre is empty !
although the quality of the games have been so poor that hardly anyone
is interested in patching anymore.
but what happened to the cricket chat forum ??
what made the post counts to be so low ?? the ratio of post count to the views is shocking.

i am damn sure this wouldnt have gone to this extent had simbazz started the thread ! i am very confident we can get through this and make this place much better like it was a year ago. for that to happen, everyone should contribute without any differences whatsover
if one wishes to overcome this phase..
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