PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

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So, this forum was a great place and still is but the problem is that it is too strict. From all the forums I have visited I think PlanetCricket is the most strict. Strictness and taking everything under control is a good thing but till a limit IMO. The staff did a great job and some still do but everything has changed a lot in here. I was addicted to PlanetCricket now I hardly even post, I just don't feel like posting. Anyways I think Duff did the right thing by opening this thread so things become more open in here. We have to get these crisis and bad moments over, its natural everything passes through bad and good times. Like JK said the staff didn't really support Duff here but I am, I think he is the best mod and a very good friend as well.
As many have said, I also agree with Duff, certain things on these boards make it almost impossible to use or HAVE FUN in. The cricket chat forum for instance, I don't even use this forum for cricket news anymore because people have stopped to bother posting it, I now don’t even use this forum for cricket chat which in my opinion is a real shame.

The super thread is another example; the reason of "spam" is not enough to close a thread in the "never ending topics forum." To be honest, and I think the majority will agree, the whole idea of the never ending topics forum is to have a joke, not to have a discussion. That is what the general thread is for. If you can't just piss around, it takes a large chunk of the fun out of this forum. I’m sure I speak for the wider audience when I say I don’t click on the never ending topics forum to have an adult discussion, I want to have a laugh.

I find it interesting to see that some people are disgusted that this thread has been created (sorry to who said it, I’m not even sure who it was so I’m not trying to drop names) The simple message was that you can PM admins/mods if you have a query about a thread being closed, well can I just ask, has anyone ever thought they have a chance in hell of it being opened again because you took the time to PM an admin? I have PM’d admins before and I’m well aware before I even send it that I’m wasting my time. I find it somewhat ironic that it was questioned why a thread like this was even created, yet so far all the posters have been in strong support for Duff.
I think a lot of what is wrong here are obvious inconsistencies. In some sections of the board, the general view is that it is "adult discussion" however; I would not be in the least bit surprised if the average age is closer to 16 - 17.

Planetcricket is still in my opinion the best cricket forum out there, but it could be a lot better. I personally like to think that over the years, with cricksim etc. I have been a part of the planetcricket success, but I am only one of a select few who could possibly think that. Admins/mods, its time to lighten up and let people have that same feeling I have, whether it be from starting a 1000 post thread in the never ending topics forum, or posting a piece of cricket news every day for a whole year, people deserve to have the opportunity to make a difference.

As Burma ended his post, asking whether we honestly think the admins all set out to take away fun. I’ll finish by posing a question from the opposite argument; do you think the majority of posters who have posted in this thread are making up a crisis just for our own benefit? It’s all well and good to question the logic and reasoning behind your actions, but you can’t do that without looking upon ours. It isn’t fluke that we have all come together in this thread and the only people to deny it are the admins themselves.

PS: Thank-you to anyone who read my post, I was happy to write, and I'm happy you took the time to read it
As many have said, I also agree with Duff, certain things on these boards make it almost impossible to use or HAVE FUN in. The cricket chat forum for instance, I don't even use this forum for cricket news anymore because people have stopped to bother posting it, I now don’t even use this forum for cricket chat which in my opinion is a real shame.

The super thread is another example; the reason of "spam" is not enough to close a thread in the "never ending topics forum." To be honest, and I think the majority will agree, the whole idea of the never ending topics forum is to have a joke, not to have a discussion. That is what the general thread is for. If you can't just piss around, it takes a large chunk of the fun out of this forum. I’m sure I speak for the wider audience when I say I don’t click on the never ending topics forum to have an adult discussion, I want to have a laugh.

I find it interesting to see that some people are disgusted that this thread has been created (sorry to who said it, I’m not even sure who it was so I’m not trying to drop names) The simple message was that you can PM admins/mods if you have a query about a thread being closed, well can I just ask, has anyone ever thought they have a chance in hell of it being opened again because you took the time to PM an admin? I have PM’d admins before and I’m well aware before I even send it that I’m wasting my time. I find it somewhat ironic that it was questioned why a thread like this was even created, yet so far all the posters have been in strong support for Duff.
I think a lot of what is wrong here are obvious inconsistencies. In some sections of the board, the general view is that it is "adult discussion" however; I would not be in the least bit surprised if the average age is closer to 16 - 17.

Planetcricket is still in my opinion the best cricket forum out there, but it could be a lot better. I personally like to think that over the years, with cricksim etc. I have been a part of the planetcricket success, but I am only one of a select few who could possibly think that. Admins/mods, its time to lighten up and let people have that same feeling I have, whether it be from starting a 1000 post thread in the never ending topics forum, or posting a piece of cricket news every day for a whole year, people deserve to have the opportunity to make a difference.

As Burma ended his post, asking whether we honestly think the admins all set out to take away fun. I’ll finish by posing a question from the opposite argument; do you think the majority of posters who have posted in this thread are making up a crisis just for our own benefit? It’s all well and good to question the logic and reasoning behind your actions, but you can’t do that without looking upon ours. It isn’t fluke that we have all come together in this thread and the only people to deny it are the admins themselves.

PS: Thank-you to anyone who read my post, I was happy to write, and I'm happy you took the time to read it
This is a family forum apparently as well, adult discussion is great but we're also not allowed to be explicit because of children, but we also have to engage in adult discussion?
I had one of my posts deleted because I suggested a thread should be a sticky because it was a thread which would go on forever and also because it was highly popular. Then that mod went and did it anyway and when I pointed out that he had done what I had suggested they deleted my post again
Of the people complaining that the forums are too strict, how many major forums have you actually been a part of? I have been very active on four major forums in the past year and I can tell you from experience that this is the best mod team by far, and I would have said the same before I became a mod. This is the only place where the admins actually have some tolerance and a sense of humor (in the other two forums I visit, this thread would have been long gone and Duff banned) in addition to which the admins love to be proactive with the members. To slag them off like this in public is totally uncalled for.

There may or may not be issues that need to be dealt with as far as people abusing their power, but this is surely a sad way to address it. These things should always be done behind closed doors so the staff team aren't being made asses. I know of at least two staff members who are seriously considering stepping down due to this fiasco.
Well for what it's worth (probably very little) I haven't been inactive due to the moderating because I don't have a problem with it. I've been inactive due to having a life and an exam timetable to stew over. If you don't like how it's moderated then don't come here? So simple isn't it?
If they close a thread wrongly it won't be re-opened. I like PC but they don't even allow members to joke. There was the superthread for that but that was closed and i suppose rightly,but if you close it then you have to appreciate that members will talk about off topic things.

Ha! That's the silliest thing I have ever read. If you want to talk about something completely different to the topic in hand to the person, just talk to them on MSN or something. Don't just post something completely irrelevant to the topic.

Well for what it's worth (probably very little) I haven't been inactive due to the moderating because I don't have a problem with it. I've been inactive due to having a life and an exam timetable to stew over. If you don't like how it's moderated then don't come here? So simple isn't it?

Very well said, Matt.
Well for what it's worth (probably very little) I haven't been inactive due to the moderating because I don't have a problem with it. I've been inactive due to having a life and an exam timetable to stew over. If you don't like how it's moderated then don't come here? So simple isn't it?

But this is the biggest cricket forum on the web, and I have met (via an Internet line) some FANTASTIC people, and I wouldn't go just because of the mods heavy-handiness.

I have just thought of a real life example. In football (or soccer for some people) they are rules where if a player commits a foul a ref gives a free-kick on penalty. But sometimes the ref lets it go, so they game can continue flowing. I a forum, if a member posts a joke or an off-topic post, they could let it run, so it is beneficial to the forums, and topics can flow.
I think there are too many mods of which many have a power complex.

The fact that Duff started the thread shows the extent of the problem as he is the friendlist and most partial mod on Planetcricket. Perhaps the fact that a suggestion to oust him out of this position by some mods who will remain unnamed (clue: they arn't liked especially) demonstrates mod power gone wrong.

The website is not going to last much longer with the current structure and personel. So many people have left that used to be regulars and I can only see this trend continuing.
This thread has gone way off topic than what it was at the start and to be honest i don't agree with many of you. I think there isn't a crisis at the oment to be honest as there are a few members not coming on, big deal! It's going to happen.

Sorry about keep changing my mind.
themuel1 said:
So many people have left that used to be regulars and I can only see this trend continuing.

Big deal ? A site doesnt run with some specific members does it ? Time changes, with time many changes have to be made ! Accept it ! The oldies cannot just hang out to keep you entertained ! You need to get out and get socially interactive with newer people also.! :)
I think everyone's had their whine and their moan. Let's get on with making the forum active instead of posting here! Ironical, since I'm still typing...
This thread started off with the right intentions but has become something that is not useful to the forum.
PS: Thank-you to anyone who read my post, I was happy to write, and I'm happy you took the time to read it

excellent post mate !!!

Well for what it's worth (probably very little) I haven't been inactive due to the moderating because I don't have a problem with it. I've been inactive due to having a life and an exam timetable to stew over. If you don't like how it's moderated then don't come here? So simple isn't it?

well...its simple and excellent !! with this thinking and attitude..
the forum will eventually fade away....hats off to you ! :rolleyes:
well...its simple and excellent !! with this thinking and attitude..
the forum will eventually fade away....hats off to you ! :rolleyes:

For the first time in Planetcricket Histroy i am standing up for Evertonfan as you just had no respect for him at all. His exams, important ones, are more needed in everyday life from here to when he sadly dies than this forum is. It doesn't mean he will never come back again, knowing matt he probaly will be on most of the time, but for his exams he needs the time and support for the exams. Also it won't eventually fade away just because of EvertonFan going off to do his exams, as i have already said he will still come on.

Sorry but i thought that had to be said.
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