PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

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If you don't like how it's moderated then don't come here? So simple isn't it?

Yeah, this way we will lose out many of our members. Arent we ready to accept that if a mistake is there from the staff and members side, that we need to correct it ? Dont we need to change ourselves with time ? We have to accept that something is wrong if it is. If we keep it as simple as you said then it will give the new comer impression that pc mod team will never compromise and they think they are the bombs......
Yeah, this way we will lose out many of our members. Arent we ready to accept that if a mistake is there from the staff and members side, that we need to correct it ? Dont we need to change ourselves with time ? We have to accept that something is wrong if it is. If we keep it as simple as you said then it will give the new comer impression that pc mod team will never compromise and they think they are the bombs......

I just think if we all work together as a community and talk about what is supposed to be talked about then we will all live in harmony on the foum, though it will never, on any forum, be absolute perfection, so don't go out looking to find the bad points. I think this thread isn't neded anymore aslong as we come together.
I am still waiting on some more admins and global mod's responses to this thread. Before saying anything else i want to see how the higher authorities have taken it.
I also encourage members to remember that this is a forum. It isn't real life. I took a class last semester which debated some of the very issues that I am seeing happen here, which is kind of exciting. :) I have an associated reading to go with it as well, just as soon as I find it. It's called A Rape in Cyberspace.
For the first time in Planetcricket Histroy i am standing up for Evertonfan as you just had no respect for him at all. His exams, important ones, are more needed in everyday life from here to when he sadly dies than this forum is. It doesn't mean he will never come back again, knowing matt he probaly will be on most of the time, but for his exams he needs the time and support for the exams. Also it won't eventually fade away just because of EvertonFan going off to do his exams, as i have already said he will still come on.

Sorry but i thought that had to be said.

now...when did i disrespect him ? i barely know him....
i havent indulged in a chat with him ever...
and i was referring to STAFF !! not NEWS TEAM MEMBERS.
is evertonfan a staff member ?? NO !! so it doesnt point towards him....

i was referring to his statement "If you don't like how it's moderated then don't come here? So simple isn't it?"
actually, thats kinda disrespectful !
Ha! That's the silliest thing I have ever read. If you want to talk about something completely different to the topic in hand to the person, just talk to them on MSN or something. Don't just post something completely irrelevant to the topic.
Connor, I find your comments extremely hypocritical after your behaviour on CO. Also, Joe wasn't saying completely irrevelant but there should be a bit of leeway.

Dean, jk and rickyp, have it spot on imo.

And NP, I've been on major FM forums, where perhaps too much is tolerated, there needs to a happy medium, instead of like at present where some mods are acting like school headteachers.
I am still waiting on some more admins and global mod's responses to this thread. Before saying anything else i want to see how the higher authorities have taken it.

Same, although i think we can all say there are alot worse ran forums out there, i think everyone has a slightly different view on everything here. WI think the first step is for everyone to start to agree on everything or some things at least, i mean, if we all disagree continualy then i dont think itl end. It may just drag on and on, i dont want that for any forum, especially the best cricket forum. I dont hold any grudges atall, yeah i admit i have had my moments, but w are all here for the main reason: to discuss cricket etc. and enjoy the community. Its strange to see how members see the crisis and other members that don't.

I agree on what people are saying about new members coming in and moving on, we do make friends etc. here, but it is a forum and people leave and new people come. They may not post alot but at least its a brand new personality onboard and no one knows what that new member can bring to the forum. Also, people are arguing that this topic is offtopic etc. but at least we are discussing our views along with eachother, if it was a proper crisis then everyone would do things like hold grudges etc. We all agree on one thing: we all need to work together to get to the bottom of this bad patch and just try move on

Sorry if i was out of line which i believe i was looking back now, we shouldnt be quoting and arguing here (although i was at one point). We dont know eachother in person and most the time we misenturperet ( is that how you spell it?) eachother. Il be waiting for staff input to all this and what they feel should be done, this could lead to us all learning a valuable lesson in the end?

I dont want to say anymore until more staff give their input, or if a member puts up another great post.
I am still waiting on some more admins and global mod's responses to this thread. Before saying anything else i want to see how the higher authorities have taken it.

They all will be planning how to come and take on us , they need some time :p anyway we are alwyas ready .............Just Bring It
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Can i just say, i will say it anyway:p, is that do you want there to be a crisis?

nope ! no one wants a crisis...especially considering this is the best cricket
forum ! but now that THERE IS one...we are trying to found out a solution...
and that can only happen if more admins and mods respond/co-operate !
If no one wants a crisis then why try and find faults and blame the Mods if they make a mistake, they 99.9% make a good decision and if every 0.1% that they make a mistake they are going to get shouted out then it is wrong.

This crisis(There isnt one yet but there will be if continued)is getting made by this thread in my opinion.
Right, i didnt want it to come to this, but in light of mod interaction and there words im going to tell a little story, read on if you wish to find out how this thread came about.

Well, if you read through my account, the members account as im sure most will agree, i have a date there, which is early April, i might be the 12th but im not sure.

It was early in April when i came on MSN to find Duff, and we were having a chat as we always do, and i just mentioned a particular modding case were i thought it was a bit unfair, i didnt want to report it as its nothing major enough to contact any Admin. Basically Duff said if i had a problem PM Colin making it clear. So there we left it.

Couple of days later another situation arose, and Duff again stressed to tell Colin but also agreed that somewhere down the road some modding had gone a bit mis-shapen and needed to be tightened, now again we left it.

Anyways one saturday morning i came on MSN again to find Duff who basically said, we need to find out what people think, he knew my views, and i was all for a small thread just asking for peoples views on moderation.

Now from the start, we both agreed that not one single staff member shouldnt be in place, we knew that, and Duff reminded me of the fact over and over again that you Staff are there for a reason and without pay, i knew it but i think he wanted me to be sure of what i was writing.

Anyways, a month after first starting it, we decided to post it, maybe it was wrongly treated, and i can see why Staff feel the way they do, now whats has been done cant be undone so this is going to stay, but if you exclude some comment in this thread like the wierd election thing for staff and other things i feel this thread could be of some use.

Basically there was nothing sinister in this, we wanted to name no names in harm, i named a few but only as examples, and those names, i can remember one occasion with Zim, which was a example not a vicious attempt to bash him.

Basically, both Duff and i knew we would get flack but for this to be taken seriously it needed a Mod who was respected and a member (Maybe im not respected by some but i feel i am by others) which gave a balanced arguement, If i'd just wrote it theres a 95% chance it would have been closed with a comment like "PM an admin about this," and again if Duff had on his own posted it, for sure he would have been sacked.

So please, dont get all up and funny about this because its been wildly taken out of its basic purpose, some of you guys have good points, especially Aus(then some funny numbers :p) said, also Rickyp and a few others said, this is a fun forum, not a dictatorship, it should be here to come to after a day at school, college, uni, work or anything to come and relax, chat about your interests. The staff are there to make sure that when you come home your time is enjoyable.

I know Duff's credability has been dented amoung the staff but some comments by some people about his way in this is a bit unfair, maybe this could have been handled a better way, but it wasnt.

Thanks for reading my LONG post :)

If no one wants a crisis then why try and find faults and blame the Mods if they make a mistake, they 99.9% make a good decision and if every 0.1% that they make a mistake they are going to get shouted out then it is wrong.

This crisis(There isnt one yet but there will be if continued)is getting made by this thread in my opinion.

You read our first posts, it was primarily for opinions, not to hurt anyone, we just handled it wrong, will people stop say it was a mistake, the only mistake was how we handled it..
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If no one wants a crisis then why try and find faults and blame the Mods if they make a mistake, they 99.9% make a good decision and if every 0.1% that they make a mistake they are going to get shouted out then it is wrong.

This crisis(There isnt one yet but there will be if continued)is getting made by this thread in my opinion.
There's not a crisis, but the members are trying to sort out the growing problem before it grows into a crisis. Well others like yourself are being simply ignorant of the fact that there is a problem.
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Yups , we need to stop all this. We are moving towards something unwanted or are we?. Don't make a issue of who said what, voice your opinion and let the admins come up and speak out.
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