PlanetCricket Corruption Crisis

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If you dont like it, leave, and i can tell you, i'd be the first to push you out of the door, i dont want to go off-topic here, but Planetcricket is THE biggest cricket download site out there, and thats a fact, not just some biased member whos been here for a year and some, its a fact.

Now if i remember correctly you've started a few forums, whats up with them? They popular, hmmm no.

Anyways boys, please keep refering to the fact of this thread, its going off-topic, we want your views on current state of moderation, how it can be improved and please, dont name names, it isnt fair.

but, i only came bk coz my bro uses it and i wanted to express my self in this topic you idiot. If im not happy id like to inform someone about it, common sence.

And oh yeah, those forums, yeah they are FREE hosted ones, you know the ones that you muck about with the get the just of coding and as such. Not to take seriously in my opinion. So back off there mate.

And we are on topic, what is with you? you are singling out members expressing their opinion as offtopic, Its a suggestions and feedback forum, you cant go offtopic if you are expressing your feeelings and showing your feedback.
There is no crisis. Just some of the older 'regular' members aren't active and i believe that is partly down to the abolition of the superthread (i'm sorry to re-open that can of worms but i believe it is true) and some over-zealous moderating. Yes, occassionally, a thread goes off topic but how can you talk about one subject for so long? threads aren't given a chance to get back on topic so there needs to be a bit more leeway IMO
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but, i only came bk coz my bro uses it and i wanted to express my self in this topic you idiot. If im not happy id like to inform someone about it, common sence.

And oh yeah, those forums, yeah they are FREE hosted ones, you know the ones that you muck about with the get the just of coding and as such. Not to take seriously in my opinion. So back off there mate.

And we are on topic, what is with you? you are singling out members expressing their opinion as offtopic, Its a suggestions and feedback forum, you cant go offtopic if you are expressing your feeelings and showing your feedback.

Really, well i'll make a thread about the fact i cant use the rep system and then talk about how Colin should gel his hair, afterall i cant go offtopic. :rolleyes:

Please stop posting crap its annoying me when im trying to read views of people.

I believe this who thread has been blown out of proportion, i think its due to the badly named thread, its not a corruption, just a bit of a nagging feeling we had and thought we needed to say something and give people the chance to voice there opinions, some have, some havent yet, lets see what others say before we all come to conclusions :)
This is all getting rather out of hand. I didn't even know there was a crisis if there even is one. It just seems strange that people are suddenly telling the staff members not to do their jobs. If they have deleted a post or closed a thread, surely you can PM them about it? I thought that's what the whole "deleted post" thing was for. The election thing is just ridiculous and would never work in a million years.
The simple way to improve the current state of moderation is simply for the mods to stick to the rules. As unappealing as it sounds without rules you have nothing but anarchy which would only serve to create a 1000 times more problems than now.

A little thread drift is acceptable but come on, there are some threads which quickly end up at a tangent. How hard is it to just remain on topic? If something is that important that you need to discuss it then consider making a new thread about it.
I personally feel that a lot has been made out of this crisis thing. I dont see any huge problem with the way the forums are being moderated.quote]

couldn't agree more. there is the occational bit of overmoderating but thats probably 1 in every 50 deleted posts or closed threads. To me it seems people want to cause a problem that is barely there.
If they have deleted a post or closed a thread, surely you can PM them about it?

No because they have already found a reasonf ofr doing it and no matter what you say they will stick to that reason and because they have the power there is nothing you can do about it. Tell me one thread which has been re-opened by the person who closed it apart from the Bob Woolmer one where even the mods told the person who closed it to open it.
People have made the situation quite out of hand in my honest opinion, we just wanted views, not a whole member rebellion, because ultimately there isnt anything wrong with the staff, just a few bits of thier practise, which is why we wanted views on how IT should be done, not to say the staff have to listen to one single word
Really, well i'll make a thread about the fact i cant use the rep system and then talk about how Colin should gel his hair, afterall i cant go offtopic. :rolleyes:

Please stop posting crap its annoying me when im trying to read views of people.

Thats not feedback, or a suggestion, or a complaint, thats just a place in the 'i post crap' section tbh. you say i post crap? you just said youd kick me out, good one there mate.

Im not posting crap, im putting my view across, i agree that we shouldnt jump to conclusions and i know i have been out of order but that is besides the fact that i feel there is a crisis here and seeing that little peronnal attack (if it actually was that) on Skateboarder was absolutely rediculous.

But yeah, its only some of the moderating team, like you say, no naming names but i can say, the admins are doing the best they can along with the mods that arent in all this (if they even are) and the superthread being closed or moved, for that reason is abit wrong in my view along with others that have posted their views.
I wouldn't call it a crisis but some mods are very up about themselves and stingey, so it is annoying, and some love the power,nevertheless there has to be some sort of control and power, perhaps some relaxation and more tolerance needed, not taking things to seriously, some are worse than others not naming names

PS: PMing mods doesnt work that well, at the end of the say they have the final word, but it's worth a try
No because they have already found a reasonf ofr doing it and no matter what you say they will stick to that reason and because they have the power there is nothing you can do about it. Tell me one thread which has been re-opened by the person who closed it apart from the Bob Woolmer one where even the mods told the person who closed it to open it.

Seriously though, is it really that big of a problem?

Ok, maybe the mods should enter in a brief dialogue as to why the post\thread was closed or deleted. They could listen to your point of view, reconsider and then make a final decision, which would be the end of it. However, it's blatantly obvious that if this were the case some members would whine and whine and whine.

It's a tough line to straddle and no matter how they operate it'll upset somebody.
I believe some mods realise this thread is getting a bit out of hand but are too cautious about doing anything as they are worried about the backlash that could occur
No because they have already found a reasonf ofr doing it and no matter what you say they will stick to that reason and because they have the power there is nothing you can do about it. Tell me one thread which has been re-opened by the person who closed it apart from the Bob Woolmer one where even the mods told the person who closed it to open it.

And that reason is probably a pretty good reason. These guys are perfectly capable staff members. If you feel so "hard done by", why don't you PM an admin? If your post gets deleted, I'm pretty sure there's a good reason why. The staff members hardly go around doing it for fun.
If you follow the rules then i dont feel that you should have any problems, if you still feel an unjust desicion has been taken by a moderator then you can always PM an Admin about it. I really dont think that a thread like this was needed. Planetcricket is hardly going through a crisis.
If they close a thread wrongly it won't be re-opened. I like PC but they don't even allow members to joke. There was the superthread for that but that was closed and i suppose rightly,but if you close it then you have to appreciate that members will talk about off topic things.
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