Planetcricket Playlist [Top 100 songs]

Treva, please just copy the previous nominations and add your score to it. That way, it would be easier for others to follow the current nominations without going back a few pages. You can add +1,-1 or 0 to other songs in the nominations.

So her is your 1+ for song2,

Song 2: 1
Letter to Hermione: 0
Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me: -1
Superstition: 2

New nomination: Renegade Stynx

Song 2: 1
Letter to Hermione: 0
Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me: -1
Superstition: 2
Renegade Stynx:1
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Where did the -1 for The Smith's track come from? and then why does Renegade Stynx get a +1? Surely a nomination stays on 0 until it's either seconded, or voted against?
We shouldn't nominate more than 5 songs at a time for a slot. Else, it would be mayhem :facepalm. Everyone should just add 1 to the song in the list if they like it and -1 if they dont. If they are confused then just let the score what it was before and dont change anything. First song to reach 5 would be selected automatically and songs reaching -3 would be removed from the nomination list too. New songs then fill the gap and this shall continue.

Who said they didn't like it? The only posts following mine were saying they'd never heard the songs before, that's not saying they don't like it.
I did. You can vote for all the songs in the group. Just add +1,-1 or 0 to the score. I voted -1 for that song
My additions;

Song 2: 2
Letter to Hermione: 0
Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me: -2
Superstition: 3
Renegade Stynx: Either 0/-1. (whatever the answer to the current discussion between KP and MD comes out as.
Give your score for renegade. I gave +1, K.P is yet to vote on that.
These two have to be there -

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Please read the first page of the thread and carry on the format. All the nomination slots are full so no new song can be nominated unless any song is selected or eliminated.

this is the current score:

Song 2: 2
Letter to Hermione: 0
Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me: -2
Superstition: 3
Renegade Stynx:1
Sorry, didn't get it first. What do I have to do before posting any nomination ?:D

varun_rustagi added 0 Minutes and 46 Seconds later...

And do I need to post the songs again after the decision or they would be come to the list automatically.
-1 for Renegade Stynx.
Listening Superstition right now.:)

varun_rustagi added 6 Minutes and 51 Seconds later...

+1 for Superstition. Nice enough to be in Top 100.

My nomination -

Stan ft. Dido - Eminem

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