Planetcricket's Best Bands - Nominations Closed.

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I vote to remover FOB. I nominate Panic! At The Disco

Thats 2 votes to remove FOB

How anyone would talk P!ATD over FOB is beyond me. FOB manage and produce P!ATD, they're a decent band but they have nothing on FOB.

Why do people hate them? It gets me really annoyed. I hope Matt (FB) backs me up here.
Because anyone who has mutton chops in the 21st century should be shot. Anyone who sings emo should be shot. The fat little ginge from Fallout Boy should be shot or at least gagged.
FOB = Not Emo

Patrick Stump = Very good front man

Anyone who gives an opinion on someones looks, is pathetic. Are FOB in the news for the wrong things, no? Do they do there bit towards the world, yes! Do you have to listen to them? No.

You can have an opinion but to get personal on the front man is stupid, childish and extremely pathetic.
Very good points indeed Simon.

He's still a fat little ginge with mutton chops and distinct lack of talent.

And yes, they are emo.
Haha, now thats pathetic.

Infinity on high, latest album doesnt have one bit of Emo in it. In the newest album its pop rock and hard rock thats it, it has funny, emotional and quite deep lyrics, which is because Pete Wentz is a fantastic song writer, not so much a good Bass player but we all have our weaknesses.

Yours seems to be the lack of listening, FOB were Emo, they are no more Emo than Daniel Bedingfield.
Once an Emo always an Emo. As soon as you tarnish yourself with that dirty brush your tainted forever. Calling them 'Pop Rock' is just like calling a pebble a stone; it's the same thing.

WWE Wrestler Trevor Murdoch ..................... Patrick Stump
No, no it isn't. You've obviously tarnished yourself with some kind of brush.

I dont really want to argue about it, FOB make more clever, more witty, more fantastic lyrics than any of those horrible Indie bands, who should all go jump off a cliff, i mean, Kasbian one ok-ish record then go crap, all the Indie bands are pretty much the same.

You argue that Indie bands are good life, one word, Ramstein.

WWE Wrestler Trevor Murdoch ..................... Patrick Stump

Yeah because looks determine how good a band are, dont they?
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When did I judge how good/bad they were? I just noticed the resemblance...
Either way does it matter?

FOB are the best band around in my opinion, does that matter?

I think Indie should be banned and all the people inside that section of the music industry should be sent to the Orkney Isle.
No, no it isn't. You've obviously tarnished yourself with some kind of brush.

Fantastic comeback.

Yeah your right, Kasabian's second album was a bit of a let down but then again, every single band from every single genre of music's second album is a let down especially if the first was hugely succesful. It's been a perennial problem since albums were invented.

As for Rammstein, well I can't comment as I haven't a clue who/what they are.
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