Player Editor

Excellent Prakash, but

I think you are now exporting the entire 348 bytes, including the IDs, but I think that 346 bytes system was a better one.

I think there's certainly a better way out, the only reason why you were unable to import over blank space was that there's 00 00 or ff ff in roster.pak for that blank space's ID.

I think if the roster.pak file(that's to be edited) has correct ID's written there then it will work fine.(even with no players over there, only id's)

The only thing that has to be done is to find out the ids of created players. the first created player 29 00, the 2nd one has 23 48, ...

I'll create as many players as possible and find out their id's, will put them in a file and then we'll need a function that opens any roster.pak(or sav) file and puts in the ids at the appropriate places.

Then your player editor with that 346 bytes system, can also import over blank spaces. Also, it could be used for creation as well, i think.

Although it will work only for that very file that has all id's written there. Wait for a file that I'm soon going to post(this file will have ids of all new players), and add an option to format(i dunno if this's the appropriate word) the sav file. This option should retrive ids from the file and put them in the roster.pak or sav file. and in this way we'll get a roster.pak or sav file that will have all id's
Why are we unable to write over blank spacing? Does the positioning for new players vary?
With the 348 byte system that would cause problems when replacing an existing player. E.g replaced player is 29 00 and then the roster.pak is 'formatted' and another 29 00 is created in the blank space.
I think Ajit it right; go with the 346 and then the create will write into the correct space (if we can tell where it is) with the correct additional code.
Ajit your idea sound excellent, and I dont think the player id defines the user created players. If you scroll to the 737360 byte you will get a list of user created player id's so I think we just need to fill up the roster with player id's.
Why are we unable to write over blank spacing? Does the positioning for new players vary?. With the 348 byte system that would cause problems when replacing an existing player.
I made this option only to transfer players from one roster to another, not between the same roster. Note that the player id will not be imported if you are replacing a existing player, ie., all the bytes except the player id will be imported.
if anyone wants to help

It took around 30 minutes for me to find the ids for 180 new players. Before that I spent some time time on finding a way to find ids. Here's the method

1. In the file I am attaching with this post, copy that(and only that) roster.pak to a new user profile.
2. create a player (using ingame manager or whatever), change it's name say "rhggrg" or anything and click on "add to database", add over any player(even the ones that seem created).
3.after 60 players you'll get a message that no more players could be added. the roster.pak in hex-editor goto byte 737360, you'll get codes of 20 players.(leave that 3d(which is at 41st byte)) copy these 40 bytes to the untit file that i am attaching, paste (not overwrite)from byte 360 onwards (coz it already has 180 players) <page down> till you get 20 more, copy them as well, similarly you'll get 20 more and overall 60 more.
6.then go back to 737360 and change it all to 00 00 00 00.Do it for all bytes for players. go back to step 1.

I think there are 457 new players in all. Taking a close multiple of 60 we get 480. we already know of first 180. and the remaining 300 is to be found in 5 batches of 60.

I'll take an hour to do this but i don't have any more time. tommorow I dunno if i'll get more time. so if no one else does this, then you may have to wait till Wednesday

btw, if you go by default way you can't have more than 60 new players but now you can have as many as 457 :)


    107.7 KB · Views: 27
ID's for all 637 new players

Open the attached zip, there are 2 files :-

1. untit.fle has ID's of 637 new(created) players, written continuosly. Therefore, 1274 bytes in size.

2. roster.pak with 637 new created players.

I think there is space for 1600 players, 963 exist by default, and 637 are user-created.

btw, I'll call this as the most tedious and boring crack I've ever been associated with. Creating 637 players is just so time-consuming and irritating, that I can't just explain. Its just so sucking, add to database, sure you want to replace, can't replace user-created players, after adding 13 players to a team you need to add to another team or click on those stupid up-down arrows for atleast 13 times,... just do it 637 times. The worst thing is that after every 60 added players I need to close this, open hex-editor make room for 60 more, and obviously copy all id's and then repeat it again. :mad


    110.3 KB · Views: 25
Ajit said:
Open the attached zip, there are 2 files :-

1. untit.fle has ID's of 637 new(created) players, written continuosly. Therefore, 1274 bytes in size.

2. roster.pak with 637 new created players.

I think there is space for 1600 players, 963 exist by default, and 637 are user-created.

btw, I'll call this as the most tedious and boring crack I've ever been associated with. Creating 637 players is just so time-consuming and irritating, that I can't just explain. Its just so sucking, add to database, sure you want to replace, can't replace user-created players, after adding 13 players to a team you need to add to another team or click on those stupid up-down arrows for atleast 13 times,... just do it 637 times. The worst thing is that after every 60 added players I need to close this, open hex-editor make room for 60 more, and obviously copy all id's and then repeat it again. :mad
Well......Great Work!!!!!
Have you added sensible new players-i.e. New Zim players, or just any players??? Dosen't matter, I am downloading it anyway!!! Amazing work!!
EDIT:WOW! 637 is a LARGE number. But I need to add only about 20-30 players. Now I will have to Edit all the lineups as well..........But Superb work! You da man! :hpraise :clap :cheer
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man its not a roster.pak...its a compilation of information about various bytes which will help in improving the player editor...good work Ajit...u r definitely using ur post-exam days fruitfully :p
Ajit ur procedure looks so complex for me.
sachinisgod said:
man its not a roster.pak...its a compilation of information about various bytes which will help in improving the player editor...good work Ajit...u r definitely using ur post-exam days fruitfully :p
There is a roster.pak in the zip file, download and see....
Ajit said:
Open the attached zip, there are 2 files :-

1. untit.fle has ID's of 637 new(created) players, written continuosly. Therefore, 1274 bytes in size.

2. roster.pak with 637 new created players.

I think there is space for 1600 players, 963 exist by default, and 637 are user-created.
Prakash, I think its a better idea to do the following, rather than what I said earlier.

It'll be much better if rather than the ID bytes only, the entire players are there, I mean all 1600 spaces are filled up. i.e.

963 default players followed by
964th player having name Player 1, and all property values set to what we see for "A.Player" in the team management.
965th one being Player 2, and so on,... uptill Player 637
These players won't feature in any squads, line-ups etc.

Then, we can edit these Player 1, Player 2,... to create players.
Also, new players could be imported over these players.

Then, users could edit squads/line-ups etc.

What I think you should do is
1.Revert to 346 byte system
2.Add one more function to your editor to "Fill up blank spaces". Just put in those ID's bytes in the Untit.fle file, followed by Player 1 file that I post here.
3.But, change the names to Player xyz coz, this will help the users to know which player they're editing.Also, the number xyz should depend only on the position in the roster.pak, e.g. If this function edits a file with 10 created players, it should start at Player 11.


  • Player
    176 bytes · Views: 12
I think also there should be another option in the player editor showing hair colors and hair length just like the ingame player management.
joesaadati said:
I think also there should be another option in the player editor showing hair colors and hair length just like the ingame player management.
and body type....
Ajit, the roster.pak you've attached is that ready for editing?
because all i see is 60 versions of the same name (ie A.Player) if I were to edit one of those - will all 60 A.Players be identical and if I were to add one of these A.Players to a team will my game crash?

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