Podcast this week.

It's sad, but definitely true. Piracy is widespread here, down in India. I still remember how AC09 wasn't immediately available in local stores following its release and how my friends had no choice but to buy the pirated copies. A sad state, hope it improves with time. But then, you just can't help. Reaching out to 1.21billion ppl in a not-so-well-organized country is pretty difficult.
PS: I generally wait for it & buy the original DVD. :-)
It's sad, but definitely true. Piracy is widespread here, down in India. I still remember how AC09 wasn't immediately available in local stores following its release and how my friends had no choice but to buy the pirated copies. A sad state, hope it improves with time. But then, you just can't help. Reaching out to 1.21billion ppl in a not-so-well-organized country is pretty difficult.
PS: I generally wait for it & buy the original DVD. :-)

Is there good online stores in India guys.
There must be ways around this problem or
To help some what. Does anyone know how
Many copies ashes 2009 sold in India ?
Ppl here still prefer "going to a DVD store - getting the DVD" way. Moreover, do you guys rent Games out there? You surely can't in here.
That's one of many reasons ppl take up piracy. Cos then if you buy a game here for say about 500 INR (that's mere $10, but then in India you seldom get good pocket money) and it doesn't turn out good, its precious money wasted. So ppl take the wrong way. It's a damn silly excuse, I'm not even defending the ppl, but you won't get it unless you're in their shoes.
We are neither pirates nor do we support piracy, but yes, life is different here.
No one is being racist. This line of conversation regarding piracy doesn't need to continue further, either. It doesn't make good reading for a few of you. NO ONE is "entitled" to any game, you either support the company and buy it, or you don't get it. Simple as that. Any talk of pirating games, ESPECIALLY cricket ones is abhorrent. Support these developers who take their time to come here and listen to our questions, feedback and make us great cricket games. I hear there's a great website to buy anything from anywhere, check it out.

You've had a warning from the admin, now his slightly less-handsome forum moderator... End of discussion.


Lets move back to discussing the podcast and how many times Chief sighed, farted or checked his twitter while he recorded his podcast.

I'm gonna say... 8 of each, but prolly gassed more...
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Oh yes, no more talk on that. Sorry for dragging it too much.

But seriously Chief, listening to Podcasts & not seeing any visuals is building up the excitement. I wanna skip the next couple of months. :-P

IMO it would be a good idea to have a thread regarding "How to limit piracy for cricket games" or something similar on the forum. Folks from sub-continent can put forth their motivations for buying pirated stuff and view-points on countering the same. At the end of the day if game developer/publishers know the reason why piracy is prevalent can only be good for cricket gaming fans as the game publishers can work on countering the same. As an example if late release of the game in sub-continent is why people purchase pirated stuff, maybe the sub-continent release can be aligned with the world-wide release of the game. I am sure Chief, Ross and other folks from cricket game development/publishing houses will find the information useful.

At the end of the day sub-continent, specifically India, generates 80% of global cricketing revenue. This clearly shows folks out there love cricket and are willing to spend money on the game. If even a fraction of sub-continent folks purchase cricket games legally (i.e. non-pirated) we will have an annual cricket game franchise a la Madden series :cheers

This would be a VERY worthwhile discussion. It's very hard to get actual facts and numbers from the Asian market and if anyone has any (especially useful if you can cite a reference for where you get them from, starting with the "80% of global cricketing revenue stat if possible!).

Awesome thought.

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