Podcast this week.

Hi Chief,
Could you make the podcasts a bit lengthier please?The first two of them are pretty small.You could cover more details/questions in 1 sitting:)..
Im with you on this one: we want realistic hairy arms but crap gameplay....oh wait a minute, we had that with Ashes 09.......


Also fat cricketers with sweaty underarms to chief.:p
Don't forget the scratching down there is you know what i mean.:eek:
Aye: we're working on trying to make it a bit more organized over there. Some of the new people aren't necessarily as experienced as the guys on here about where to puts posts etc.

Hey Chief,
Was just wondering whether the reason for not releasing a lot of info till (almost) the release date is due to the fact that another cricket game is in the making, and the developers for the same game are on this forum and has access to every little detail you post (or suggestions by the members for that matter).

I could actually think the same about them as well as even they have not released much info...have they ;)
Hey Chief,
Was just wondering whether the reason for not releasing a lot of info till (almost) the release date is due to the fact that another cricket game is in the making, and the developers for the same game are on this forum and has access to every little detail you post (or suggestions by the members for that matter).

I could actually think the same about them as well as even they have not released much info...have they ;)

There are 5-6 months before the release of this game. It is not 'almost' the release date.
Hey Chief,
Was just wondering whether the reason for not releasing a lot of info till (almost) the release date is due to the fact that another cricket game is in the making, and the developers for the same game are on this forum and has access to every little detail you post (or suggestions by the members for that matter).

I could actually think the same about them as well as even they have not released much info...have they ;)

The lack of info (and in particular any visuals) I will answer on the podcast I do this week - I think it would be good for EVERYONE to hear that answer! In short it's about licensing.

But it's not really anything to do with competitive reasons. I'm well aware and respectful of Big Ant's previous titles, in particular their sports games. Yes, I take great interest in any information they put out, and I'm following the Big Ant Cricket forum to see if there's any ideas/opinions I can use... Equally I'm looking at a lot of other sports games (and indeed non sports!) across all sorts of platforms as well.
But at this stage I don't think anything we announced would change anything about their game or vice versa...
I'd also say that EA and Codies cricket games lived side by side for many years, and I don't think that they cannibalized each others sales in a major way: It's great for cricket gaming to have more variety and I can't wait to see what their game brings to the party!
The lack of info (and in particular any visuals) I will answer on the podcast I do this week - I think it would be good for EVERYONE to hear that answer! In short it's about licensing.

But it's not really anything to do with competitive reasons. I'm well aware and respectful of Big Ant's previous titles, in particular their sports games. Yes, I take great interest in any information they put out, and I'm following the Big Ant Cricket forum to see if there's any ideas/opinions I can use... Equally I'm looking at a lot of other sports games (and indeed non sports!) across all sorts of platforms as well.
But at this stage I don't think anything we announced would change anything about their game or vice versa...
I'd also say that EA and Codies cricket games lived side by side for many years, and I don't think that they cannibalized each others sales in a major way: It's great for cricket gaming to have more variety and I can't wait to see what their game brings to the party!

Respect your reply sir....:majesty:...and I agree....two or more games from the same genre 'can' survive in this generation.
Some Thoughts

What are your thoughts on inclusion of domestic tournaments like the IPL, BBL and English Counties? What about highly customisable tournaments. Will scouting young talent be a part of the game? Test ODI and T20 gameplay should differ and so should AI it should be realistic. There should be something like Coaches' Advice or Expert Advice fot your team similar to Manager Mode in Fifa. Thank you.:)
I heard from some "people" that bowling actions will all be the same,no motion capture,or some alternative innovation? O.o and many people criticized that...,sorry if i am mistaken
Have some questions about fielding...

The preset fields of Previous ashes versions wasnt good at all and trying to customize the whole field setup is a hassle sometimes for each batsmen and bowlers. How much thought has been put in for those preset fields?

Can we edit the preset fields and keep the edited version saved permenantly for the future?

If not, then how many custom field settings will we be able to create?

Each batsmen will require different field settings and each bowler will require different ones too. Will we be able to keep a certain field settings for a particular bowler vs batsman? For example: lets say when i bowl with morkel to gambhir i need a certain field settings but when i bowl to sehwag with morkel i need something different. Next over steyn is bowling and he has his own field settings for two of those batsmen. Then morkel comes back and the field settings will automatically adjust to what i used before with morkel. It would be great convenience while playing the game.
Will gameplay be much harder to master this time or easy as previous titles?
(just 1 hour of playing time is enough to master previous cricket games)

Will there be different styles of batting or every player hit the ball in the same style?

Will there be different bowling action for bowlers or all leg spinners bowl like Shane Warne?

Will the batsmen run between wickets like a human or like toys?
Have some questions about fielding...

The preset fields of Previous ashes versions wasnt good at all and trying to customize the whole field setup is a hassle sometimes for each batsmen and bowlers. How much thought has been put in for those preset fields?

Can we edit the preset fields and keep the edited version saved permenantly for the future?

If not, then how many custom field settings will we be able to create?

Each batsmen will require different field settings and each bowler will require different ones too. Will we be able to keep a certain field settings for a particular bowler vs batsman? For example: lets say when i bowl with morkel to gambhir i need a certain field settings but when i bowl to sehwag with morkel i need something different. Next over steyn is bowling and he has his own field settings for two of those batsmen. Then morkel comes back and the field settings will automatically adjust to what i used before with morkel. It would be great convenience while playing the game.

This is a great question. The preset fields were rubbish on previous games, we want preset fields to be similar to real cricket, not randomly made up.

I'm not sure about a field editor, especially for online, it can really slow a game down. You don't want to be hanging around forever while your opponent tinkers with their field, also I had a few online games in AC09 where players would put all 9 outfielders protecting the offside, then only bowled yorkers way outside offstump, there was no way I could hit to the onside, very boring. If you could only use preset fields this exploitation would be eliminated. It would be not to have field editor as long as preset fields are good enough.

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