Pokemon? Mafia - Endgame | Town (BKB1991/P Squared) wins!

Did anyone pick up that Sim was posting *cough cough*? I thought he hid it remarkable well :clap

And my made up role claim for Aditya wasn't too bad, seeing as there actually was a role stopper in the game :p
I did notice it but I didn't really pay much attention to it. Thought it was just his weird way of playing in his first game.
This was my role.

Varun said:

Arcanine, Legendary Pokemon, Team Good Pokemon aligned.

You are Arcanine, the legendary fire type pokemon. Extremely loyal to the town, you can follow anyone with your powerful sense of smell. Hence, you're the tracker. At night, you may send me the name of a person you want to follow. You'll be informed of the pokemon targeted by him.

You win when the town wins, and you're alive.​
Yudi, when you tracked Papa and Aditya, what did Varun's PM say? Just curious.
^ Yeah, I'd like to know that as well Yudi. Cos you were convinced I was lying after you tracked me, but I deliberatley didn't target anyone that night just so the tracker could believe 'I was role-blocked' story.
Varun said:

Squirtle - Turtle Pokemon, Team Good Pokemon aligned

You are Squirtle, the cool turtle pokemon. You were earlier a part of the Squirtle squad, and helped wherever their was a problem, and protected the people from the hazards. You're to play the same role here. Every night, you can PM me the name of one player you want to protect. That person will be immune from any kind of killing attack for that night. In other words, you're the doctor. If you surivive till day 3, you'll evolve into Blastoise on Night 3.

You cannot use the protect ability on self and cannot protect a player two nights in a row.

You win when the town wins, and you're alive.​

Then I was,

Varun said:


Blastoise - Turtle Pokemon, team good pokemon aligned

After being evolved from Squirtle, now your shell is more enormous and more durable. You've the same role, only that a one-shot self protect ability has been provided to you which can be used during the night. PM me when you want to use it. Remember that, you can't protect others during that night.

You win when the town wins, and you're alive.​

The night I died, I had gained a one-shot self protection because I had evolved and had originally decided to use it there and then but instead went for PSquared on the basis that I would then be able to say I had protected myself and then the next night expect the mafia to target me and then I could have really protected myself.

But alas, they killed me before I could ever put my plan into action.
Varun said:

Ekans, Snake Pokemon, Evil team aligned.

You are Ekans, the Snake pokemon. You belong to the evil team and work under Mewtwo (Zoraxdoom). Also, you're the poisoner.
On any night you may PM me the name of a player you want to poison. If you are successful, the player will die after on the second night after this role is used. You cannot use it again though. Your mafia associates are Koffing (simsanta123), Ditto (Chewie) and Meowth (Papa_Smurf), along with Mewtwo (Zorax).

You win when the Team Rocket win, and you're still surviving.​

That was my role.
Gah, I'm too lethargic to do the reviews now. I'll just post the night writeup explanations. :p

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