The Game
I'm going to start my reviews with the review of the actual game itself. Despite the last few days, I have to say most of the game was a total snooze-fest. It was dull, boring and lifeless. And, I have two possible reasons. First, I think it's say to safe that there has been an overkill of mafia games recently. Most of us need a break from it. Perhaps, I should've started the game later. In hindsight, might not have been a bad idea. The second reason has something to do with this, I believe:
Additional Notes:
- The game will focus a lot on basic mafia gameplay. The structure of the game was designed so players will have to rely on their own intuitive rather than any special roles they might be given. Hopefully, this will help improve the skills of inexperienced players.
- Having said that, this game will be a challenge, even for you experienced players.
I gave the town very limited resources. Most of you were vanillas. And those with Night roles quickly realized that you had to use them wisely, as they could be both a benefit and a hindrance. For example, User2010 was the "doctor". But the person he protected was roleblocked. And vice-versa. Chewie could only use his role once, and had to make the correct choice at the right time for the town's sake. Hedger had a one-time double vote, but at the same time was a Priest. And Callum could only invesigate roles, not alignments. Vanillas and Goons would've come up 'Vanilla'; both jailkeepers would've come up simply as 'Jailkeeper', with no indication if it was the town one or the mafia one.
Add this to the fact that there were no Night write-ups, the town had very limited resources. This was deliberate. Like I said, the aim of the game was to focus on basic mafia gameplay, and improve the skills of the bad players. I was hoping that by
forcing you to discuss, think and create interesting ploys (as you had no other choice), you would rely on those basic skills to win rather than on write-ups and powerful roles. Instead, you resorted to no activity. I was dissappointed by this. But then again, if there wasn't an overkill and you weren't exhaused, and had I postponed the game, perhaps you might have. Hindsight is such a bitch.
And now, on to the player reviews.
Town Players Review
Zohaib again played a terrible game. He was too aggressive on a new player, and brought unnecessary suspicion on himself. Terrible gameplay.
Not much to say on
Maney2k9 and ZoraxDoom. Shame that they both went so early on. I know Zorax is a damn good player, and would have helped the town's cause a lot. Maney looked a good player from what I saw (pressured either Tom or Jack on Day 1 iirc).
Felt sorry for
AngryPixel. It was clear that this was his first game, and made some noobish mistakes. Good players should have realized that instead of pressuring him because of those. Unfortunately for him, his last mistake cost him the game. Atleast you'll hopefully learn from this and not repeat the mistake again.
Chewie's game was interesting. I was rather intrigued of how he would use his role, and was quite surprised that he used it the first night itself. I guess he figured he might die early, and try and get the most of it. In hindsight, he was correct

Shame he couldn't participate that much, as he had his exam when he was alive, and was killed soon after it finished.

Was also surprised by how many people targetted him the Night he died.
And the same goes for
MaD. He was targetted by 3/5 roles the Night he died

Would've been part of the cult if Tom's recruit was successful. I was slightly dissappointed by his activity. With his experience, he should have played a more active part. Not much else to comment on here.
Varun impressed me the most, tbh. He was evaluating posts, giving out logical arguments, and was the most active. Could've used his Night role a bit better near the end, but here, I think he showed how much he's improved in the game. For that, he is the
Modders' MVP.
This next player, however, was the complete opposite.
Vedarshi again showed no imrpovement, and quite frankly was a waste of space. His antics didn't help his cause, and he can piss off for all I care.
User2010 turned out to have the most important role for the town. Wasn't expecting that. Managed to turn the game in the town's favour after his conter-claim against Treva. Was instrumental in the subsequent successful lynches for the town. Although, his confidence in Ollie's innocence may have ended up costing the town if he survived. But he did turn the game around, and for that, he is the
Town's MVP.
Hedger_14 had an interesting role, and the best character to boot

Not his best game though, and I think he knows it. But, he still deserves his maiden victory - it was a long time coming.
Bevab again showed no improvement to his game. But unlike Vedarshi, his temprement has improved. And that's something, I guess. He was replaced by
BKB1991, who again played another good game for the town. Only Vanilla to survive until the end, and I guess that's saying something. Congrats on another win.
Aditya surprised me. He played a much better game this time round, and thought ahead. I thought it was genius for him to not claim his role straight away, and he had the sense to not blindly trust his results. Good show! He was replaced by
CG123, but quite late on. But Callum once again showed why he's one of the better players going. He chose the right targets to investigate, and made it near-impossible for the mafia to win. Congrats on your win.
Mafia Players Review
I'm going to group the mafia together. They made the fatal error of not disclosing their full PM roles to each other, which led to
Treva mis-understanding his role. As the mafia jailkeeper, Treva could roleblock any townie, or, protect his fellow mafia from all roles. If he knew
P_Squared had the ability to choose who performs the kill, I'm sure the mafia could have strategised between them who gets protected and who performs the kill.
Treva played a good game though, but failed to realize there was more than one jailkeeper. And that was his downfall.
P_Squared didn't do too much, but he did manage to keep under the radar for a while. That hurt him in the end, and should've done something earlier to help him later on. But fair play to him - the way the town was playing early on, he didn't actually have to do much.
Ollie_H's role-claim was simply brilliant. I loved it - it got him off the hook during the 'vanilla hunt', and if it wasn't for Callum's claim, he might have actually won. Good game from him. Came terribly close to winning it (I don't think either BKB or Hedger were 100% convinced you were mafia when you got hammered), and for that, you are the
Mafia's MVP.
And for those who are interested, here's the mafia quick-topic:
Smurfs Mafia Discussion - QuickTopic free message board hosting
And that leaves
Highlander999. He had the power to recruit (twice) as well as the ability to kill. Was unlucky User jailkept him when he did, cos there was not much suspcion on you (apart from User himself). I think you missed a trick by not recruiting him (was baffled you chose MaD). And was unfortunate for Maney you killed him on Night 1. Could've recruited him instead
And that's that. I know it wasn't the best of games, but hope you enjoyed it anyway.