Pokemon? Mafia - Endgame | Town (BKB1991/P Squared) wins!

Unlynch: Vedarshi
Lynch: Afridirulez

That's not helpful at all.

I'm very inclined to lynch you at the moment. You're doing nothing except voting and not even trying to defend yourself. If you don't want to do even that then why should we keep you around?

Not going to lynch you yet, as Callum said, if you don't say anything substantial next time you come online I think we have no option but to lynch you.
Everyone's normally online around 900GMT-1200 I think, that's when most of the activity has been happening
The Rock, you need to defend yourself because you're surely getting lynched now. His one post lynching someone without any reason, and completely ignoring the lynches on him makes me want to lynch him, but I'll wait for a defense to see what he comes up with.
I had lynched Afridirulez only because he was inactive, also to see who all follow the lynch.

FOS: The Rock
hmm....The Rock has been quite suspicious but the fact that he totally ignored all the votes for him is kinda strange...I mean like would anyone do that? even if they are a newbie....he's almost kinda acting like Matt in HP Mafia(lynching with no reason...ignoring his votes)...but I don't really know what to make of his actions so I will give him some more time to post his defense..
p23456789 following everyone else much?

You're the fourth person in a row to mention The Rock acting weirdly, and how you're going to wait for him to defend himself. You've basically just paraphrased what Callum, Abhas and I have just said.
The Rock (7) - Hedger, CG123, Vedarshi, P Squared, Papa_Smurf, Afridirulez
Afridirulez (4) - Abhas, User2010, Zoraxdoom, The Rock
Yudi (1) - Ollie_H
Simsanta (1) - ARay
No lynch (1) - MaD

11 required for a majority lynch.

Glad to see The Spin active.


Around 29 hours left in the day.
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Unlynch: Simsanta
Lynch: P23456789

Nothing annoys me more than players just following what is going around. Mafia is all about discussion and I rather not have players who will repeat what I have said in a different way. I know what I have said. if you have something different to add, post it otherwise don't.


I know I have not spoken about the rock, but you guys get what I am trying to say I hope.
Yes, I don't like having p# around anyway. He is absolutely no help to the town (even if he has been mafia in the last two games). And since he isn't helping us here, I believe he is still mafia.
FOS: Aditiya, Zorax

Reading back, Aditiya has seemed more aggressive than his usual self when he's been suspected. And anyone else notice the number of posts by Zorax that are followed immediately by a post from Adityia?

Not sure if there's anything substantial in the above, but just something to keep an eye out for.
Yes, I don't like having p# around anyway.
Don't really know what to make of this. Anything personal? Sure, he hasn't helped at all especially when he said the same thing over again. I'm suspicious of him too because mafia surely don't want to help the town in any way. And, he's doing exactly the same. I might as well lynch p# as there was no reason other than inactivity to lynch Afridi.

Unlynch : AfridiRulez
Lynch : p23456789

Smurf, I agree the part on Aditya where he acted weirdly. But, the part of Zorax and Aditya's posts may be just incidental, as you said nothing substantial but worth keeping an eye on.
How appropriate it is that it would appear to be Pokemon week this week. At least on Facebook it is.
Well it's either The Rock or p# for mine. The Rock cause of his ignorant posts where he isn't doing anything about the pressure put on him, p# because he isn't helping the town at all and playing just like he has been in the last 2 games where he has been mafia.

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