Dragonite, Legendary/Dragon type. Due to my legend status and toughness I cannot be lynched by the pokemon on the island. Only can be killed by mafia in the night.
Well, this was fun while it lasted. Sigh.
I don't believe this. Why the hesitation in mentioning your Pokemon when you've already stated that your unlynchable.
But I do believe that you might be unlynchable. Remeber Hedger from the HP mafia anyone? I actually do have a theory on who your actual Pokemon might be, and the mafia in general. It was actually brought up by Callum early on.
In terms of the Pokemon biting, it would make a lot of sense that it was Ekans. He was one of team rocket's Pokemon, and he's a snake. As a snake he's go through the grass, and one of his favourite attacks was poison sting.
Not related to the write-up, but another Pokemon who's likely to be mafia would be Koffing, who could possibly be the mafia role blocker, as he has attacks like smog. During the first series or so those two along with Meowth, were the three main "mafia" Pokemon with Team Rocket. Of course there are other "bad" Pokemon, but atm I'd say that the mafia would be Team Rocket.
What he says here does make sense. The Pokemon who poisoned someone did so by biting. Ekans/Arbok is the only Pokemon that comes to mind. So, it's safe to assume that he is part of the mafia. This makes me believe that the other mafia members would also be Team Rocket's Pokemon. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mafia team consisted of Ekans/Arbok, Koffing/Weezing, Victribell and Meowth.
But that's only 4 members. In a game of 20, I think 5 would be mafiia. Team Rocket's boss was Giovanni, who once had Mewtwo under his control. Mewtwo was also the primary antagonist in the only film consisting of the original 150. He is also considered a legend in the games and is the most powerful Pokemon in both the game and the anime. I believe Mewtwo is the Godfather.
Since he was the most powerful, it would make sense if he was unlynchable as well. Zorax could be possibly Mewtwo.
Either that, or he's bluffing about the unlychable thing.
Well, Zorax is that the only role you have? Smurf said he blocked you, so you should have some sort of role. This is just to see if Smurf is telling the truth...
I'm kind of suspicious of Smurf to be the mafia role blocker. Not too sure where we're going.
Think about this logically, User. Before I made my claim, the only thing we had done so far was put pressure on newbies. Look where that got us to in Day 1. Read back - I did try to put some pressure on Zorax before my claim in the hope more would follow. As no-one did, and we were going no where apart from random lynches, I had no choice but to show my evidence.
Why would I have done what I did if I was mafia? We were in a situation very benefical to the mafia (random lynches), I had no suspicion on myself and I'm not stupid enough to raise my profile so early on in the game. It would have an extremely risky thing to do if I was mafia. I did what I did cos I definitley think I've found the most dangerous mafia member.
And to clarify, I DID get a message from Varun stating that my role-block was successful.