Hmmm. My role doesn't say anything about needing one less than majority to be lynched. Might be hidden? Maybe the mafia have a double voter as well and he is within the first 6 posters? Weird.
And FFS try lynching me again and we waste one more day

I don't get all this random suspicion on me. It's all stemming from a 'hunch' Papa Smurf had. I mean, WTF? He's obviously lying. I didn't get roleblocked, I don't have a night role, for all we know he's a Framer or Mafia Roleblocker or a regular Mafia Goon just putting up a big show to not only waste the Townie's time but to try and get one of their best players killed off. Obv I'm not going to die in the day phase, he's just going to try and get you guys to waste every lynch on me while they pick us off at night. It's ridiculous. What terrible, terrible townie play.
I roleclaimed, it's valid, and I even proved it to you and we wasted a whole day phase. I'm townie. It's done with. Lets kill Papa Smurf and get him out of the picture.
Ofcourse this is assuming I survive the night. Now that I think of it, if I were Mafia in this stage I might very well let myself live on. Because by doing so Papa Smurf and his cronies can waste another whole day phase trying to get me re-lynched, and that will go absolutely nowhere, and they get another freebie kill at night until Papa Smurf is revealed to be mafia and just stringing you all along. And by then they can kill me off at night, if the vigilante in this game already hasn't.
FFS this is such horrible townie play.
Whos mewtwo again? And whats his/her likely alignment?
Make your answer as general as you can, I am no pokemon genius.
Mewtwo is the most powerful Pokemon ever, made by a much of scientists who used the DNA of this legendary, pretty much extinct Pokemon who was known to be the most powerful one ever. This is Psychic power, BTW, not brute physical strength or anything.
Anyways, in the cartoons/stories, Mewtwo was smarter than any human on Earth (pretty much a super genius) and the most powerful pokemon to have existed, and he hated humans, and worked as a one-man show to destroy all humans and pokemon who were their slaves. He saw himself superior to humans and refused to do their bidding.
That's why I feel if Mewtwo were in this game, he'd be more of an Individual serial-killer. I doubt he'll side up with any Pokemon. It'll be Team Rockets' Pokemon vs. Ash's Pokemon and random Good Pokemon. Mewtwo could either be a cult or an extremely powerful individually aligned pokemon.
However, not totally unfeasible to see him as Godfather since he's the only Pokemon I can think of who wasn't adverse to killing.