It makes a lot more sense to make a Mafia or Cult Leader unlynchable than a townie...
Although Smurf said his roleblock was unsuccessful - which means that paragraph cannot be about him because that is clearly a successful use of someone's role... not sure what's goin on
a) No it doesn't, as it is the only way to kill a Mafia or Cult leader is by lynching them in the day. The town has no night killing abilities. And even if the town has a Vigilante with one or multiple shots, if he uses up those kill shots before you find out who the Mafia leader is, you're screwed. And if you have no Vig, it's even more imbalanced, because basically the Mafia leader can never die and thus will automatically win the game. Cult leader unlynchable; maybe, but pretty much the same problem that if it's the Cult and the Town at the end, the Cult is automatic win. It's major imbalance to give the Cult or the Mafia an unlynchable member, unless the Town is guaranteed a night kill every night no matter what (like the Mafia is). Unlynchable is a very townie role.
b) Smurf's lying. Obviously. He claimed to roleblock me, the guy with no night role, in order to waste a whole day and possibly kill off a townie, using the reasoning that the Godfather didn't kill/I was roleblocked/ie I'm Godfather. We took his word for being a roleblocker, and accepted his claim, because no one counter claimed and that's that. No other proof, you all just blindly followed him despite my equally valid roleclaim. Infact, we wasted a whole day phase justifying my roleclaim, and doing nothing about Papa Smurf's
He claimed to try and roleblock me again but boom, the Mafia killed, and very conveniently his excuse is that his roleblock failed. Again, with no proof except his word. And now CG123 has come-out and counter-claimed Papa Smurf's roleclaim, and yet we're believing him? All based on what? That he had a 'hunch'?
No. The obvious fact is that he's Mafia. Their kill failed for an inexplicable reason, so they thought they would try and create some massive confusion, target one of the better players in this game, and send Papa Smurf up the river. Had I not been Unlynchable and been lynched off, you'd all would immediately turn to Papa Smurf, but it wouldn't matter. The damage would be done. And then they struck on Gold when they found out I was unlynchable. Because now they know how valuable I am and can kill me at night.
Papa Smurf is mafia. Lets kill him.
Also, p# is high up on that list. He clearly has a night role he is trying to cover up with the Metal Coat excuse.
And then there is MaD who is supporting Smurf and trying to get people to roleclaim.
Three very suspicious possible mafia-members right there.