
Jesus declines your request.

In the first tournament, I was coming last with 15 players.. I had about 900 chips, everyone had 5000... and then Jesus took over, winning ridiculous hands and going all-in with terrible cards like the old Joe Hachem 3-7 special..

Got flogged at Heads Up though.. :(
Poker's fun. Played it loads with friends, to the point where we know each other's games so well we got bored playing it :p
This real money or play money?

Getting a lap top in the next few days so I can finally get round to depositing, probably on full tilt though as I have to jump through quite a few hoops to deposit on stars after setting my account up before I turned 18. Although the current 2k added free rolls on stars are easy to cash in (I was 7th out of 2300 or so runners left, 4 thousand entrants when my Aces were cracked by Queens. Would have went to 1st but dropped heavily. Still cashed but could have went very deep if the hand held), so could build a solid little roll up there from scratch.

Won't play a play money tournament, I'm afraid. I work part-time in a casino as a poke dealer, that's as much poker where I don't have money invested I can tolerate.
Playing play money is not a good representation of a players true skill. You would be a hell of a lot more cautious check raising with some pocket trash if your hard earned cash was on the table.

I know many people who think they are good because they dominate play money online, only to get swept to the cleaners when they start playing for money.
Of course Hmarka, we understand that - but, none of us are 18 so we just settle for Play Money now. Whilst the standard is way lower, you still have to be half-decent to win. I was only joking about being good, just because I got some flukey results - I'm not that great, and would definitely get thoroughly beaten in a real money tournament.

Obviously people are stupid with Play Money, because it doesn't mean anything to them. Probably 1/3 of the people are there are just idiots that go All-In every hand, but you do get some decent players as well.
Ah didnt know you were under 18.

And yes, so annoying seeing half the table go all in pre-flop on the play money tables. Just play roulette instead :facepalm
The worst plays I've seen have been by drunk people on a saturday night in the casino.

Gets to a showdown in in a cash game. about 160 pound in the pot. Board is AKQQK

Norweigan guy who was over the football shows J10 for the straight. Drunk woman mucks her hand. She and her husband leave after the next hand.

Another guy at the table "I saw what she mucked. She had the full house"

Someone mucking the best hand at showdown happened earlier that night too.

Although perhaps the worst play I have ever seen was by a player who wasn't the best, but new the score and was solid enough.

Board is x-5-5-5-5 (x was a like a jack or something, but it's irrelevant)

Scandinavian student shoves all in on the river. Second guy tanks for about 2-3 minutes. Says fold. Shows an ace and mucks his other card.

There is literally no way he could have lost the hand, it was either a split pot or he wins. He must have knew this, i'd seen him play a few times before so he was somewhat of a regular.

Of course the entire table starts ribbing him about it.
LOL thats why I love playing at casinos. If you play the small blinds like 1-2 you get a lot of tourists who barely know the rules.

Once you get to 2-4 and 5-10, forget it. Those guys are sharks
LOL thats why I love playing at casinos. If you play the small blinds like 1-2 you get a lot of tourists who barely know the rules.

Once you get to 2-4 and 5-10, forget it. Those guys are sharks

I'd say on the whole the standard of play where I work is pretty good. And that's at the .50-1 level (occasionally 1-2) Seems a bit silly to see people sat there with about 400 pound for a 1 pound big blind.

It depends on the day, of a weekend you get people out for the night out. During the week it tends to be decent players who have poker as a hobby.

You still get crazy plays from the good players though.

On thursday I was dealing the final table of a ?40 tournament. Down to 3 players. One regular who I know is a good player, and two others who I didn't know much about but had went deep and looked solid.

Pretty similar in chips. Regular says he has a uni exam the next day (it was about 1.30am) lost most of his chips being overly aggressive. Then goes all in pre-flop every single hand doubles up back to a decent stack so No-one calls as he has too big a stack now, so he just calls so a flop can be seen.

Guy ahead of him goes all in. A 10 5 flop. He calls. First guy has Q2, the regular called with 2-3 so he could go home.

Yep, he hit the 3 and knocks the other guy out.
Poker is a cruel game. Nothing worse than limit poker, I tried that for a bit and you had morons staying until the river with bullshit cards and would catch a lucky break. I was once knocked out by a jackass who had 8-3 and caught 3,3 on turn and river. My top pai with top kicker was useless. If it was nolimit I would have put him in at the flop and surely taken down the blinds. No limit ftw, nothing like bullying around the low stacks when your up and nothing like a quick double up with an aggressive move pre-flop when your down.
Limit is a lot more formulaic and linear. I'm not quite autistic enough to prefer that to no-limit. No room for creativity.

But as for my style I don't like all ins pre flop.

No matter how good your hand is, and how bad theirs is you are never really that far a head. Rarely 80% likely to win. Post flop is my preferred place, but obviously need deep stacks/slow structure to make that work.

I like playing the "bad" cards for this reason.

Nothing like hitting two pair after limping with J4, and completely stacking someone who has a big jack.
Nothing like hitting two pair after limping with J4, and completely stacking someone who has a big jack.

Serves the Jack-Ace right though for trying to be sneaky pre-flop. Only time I use the all in pre-flop is to steal blinds from the big blind when everone else has dropped out, although a reasonable bet might have the same effect.

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