
I felt kind of bad for him.

It wasn't *that* big. And he was in the big blind so obviously just took a guaranteed flop (I nearly always check the BB, if I can.)

But that's poker. It's why we love it.
Ste perhaps we should go into the PC poker room one of these days for a laugh. Its limit holdem, but hey better than nothing.
Ste perhaps we should go into the PC poker room one of these days for a laugh. Its limit holdem, but hey better than nothing.


How about getting each other on MSN, and getting into a room on pokerstars or fulltilt, or something half decent?

Planning on playing a few hands at a table soon to make some money, then get into a few sit and gos.
Of course Hmarka, we understand that - but, none of us are 18 so we just settle for Play Money now. Whilst the standard is way lower, you still have to be half-decent to win. I was only joking about being good, just because I got some flukey results - I'm not that great, and would definitely get thoroughly beaten in a real money tournament.

Obviously people are stupid with Play Money, because it doesn't mean anything to them. Probably 1/3 of the people are there are just idiots that go All-In every hand, but you do get some decent players as well.

Get one of your parents to put money in for you. My dad did for me. But I haven't been playing much and transferred it back to his. You can play 10c tables and $1.20 games etc.
Poker is a cruel game. Nothing worse than limit poker, I tried that for a bit and you had morons staying until the river with bullshit cards and would catch a lucky break. I was once knocked out by a jackass who had 8-3 and caught 3,3 on turn and river. My top pai with top kicker was useless. If it was nolimit I would have put him in at the flop and surely taken down the blinds. No limit ftw, nothing like bullying around the low stacks when your up and nothing like a quick double up with an aggressive move pre-flop when your down.

Yeah, I agree with you here. It's great playing no-limit, because as soon as you get a decent stack, you can start bullying other people, say you have 3K and everyone else has 1.5K, you can start putting bets of 200 chips in and it really puts the pressure on everyone else.. I like bullying lower stacks, and you can make a lot of money from blinds because people are too afraid to bet. You can't be stupidly aggressive every turn though, or someone will eventually get something good and beat you, but it is an effective way to win chips.
What's the the pre-flop all-in hate? It's my favourite tactic :p Done it loads of times to my friends, great way to pull of a win with a deuce seven and rub it in later :D
What's the the pre-flop all-in hate? It's my favourite tactic :p Done it loads of times to my friends, great way to pull of a win with a deuce seven and rub it in later :D

There are five cards to come, so you are never massive favourites.

About 80% likely is the best case scenario, in reality you're rarely more than about 65%.

Also if someone bets the same amount pre-flop, you can't really be sure what they have.

After the flop you can be a lot further ahead and have a better idea of what cards your opponent has.

Of course if you have aces or kings, get it all in.
I know all that. The reason I go in pre-flop is generally for crap hands and when I need to win a pot to stay alive. Not many people are brave to go up against me.

And to throw a spanner in the works, sometimes I go all-in pre flop with pocket pairs or an Ace King, so that if someone decides they're gonna call my bluff for a change, they fail.
Sure, I'm in. What's Pokerstars?

Mate, it's a poker game on the internet, a quick download and you can play real or play money, tournys, sit and goes, or just tables.

Have you got MSN? Add me on [email protected]/pm/vm/post here yours.

EDIT: Whoops, got distracted for an hour. What's the time in Dubai, compared to (almost) 4am AEST?

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