Powerpoint, or similar...

Office 2007 is not bad after you get used to it, at least I have to use and learn it since I will be required to provide support for it in near future.
Office 2007 is not bad after you get used to it, at least I have to use and learn it since I will be required to provide support for it in near future.
not bad!! it's excellent suite. open office would take it's time to match office, if it ever does. the enlarged toolbar is waay too awesome.

however, not many are power users, and so hardly can we find difference bwt openOffice and MS office.
not bad!! it's excellent suite. open office would take it's time to match office, if it ever does. the enlarged toolbar is waay too awesome.

however, not many are power users, and so hardly can we find difference bwt openOffice and MS office.

Regarding some of the features Office 2003 is lot better especially the colour templates so, its still not bad only and needs more work.
ya, thats true, office 2007 is quite slow... and the computer resources are really pushed to the limit..
Trust Microsoft to match the latest hardware even if that means gobbling up resources using un-optimised code developed by over-paid deadline-happy buffoons.

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