Pranav's Graphics Thread

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Same old request. :p

Can you just change the "6" to a "7":


Can you also do it with my sig pic as well.

Thanks in advance. :cheers

Haris, could you please link me to the following logos:

-Khyber TV
-Prince Biscuits
-Shark Energy Drink

Okay i will do that but could you add some stripes on the warriros's kit? As it looks just a bit too simple..
I hope you do it..

Here are the logos your needed:)





thegreatkhan added 0 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

Please cut out the background because these are the best logos i found on the net:)
Those logos are amazing Pranav, I'll be adding them to the thread now, of which one of the teams is yours.

Good logos

I don't care.I just got what I wanted.;)

Penelope is the best. Leave cheryl :sausage

Thanks a lot guys. :)

Same old request. :p

Can you just change the "6" to a "7":


Can you also do it with my sig pic as well.

Thanks in advance. :cheers



Okay i will do that but could you add some stripes on the warriros's kit? As it looks just a bit too simple..
I hope you do it..

Here are the logos your needed:)

Please cut out the background because these are the best logos i found on the net:)

Now that I have the logos, I'll work on your kits soon.
Pranav, can you tell me which font did you use in the NZPL banner

And also VM me after my req is done (think you usually do it)
Pranav, can you tell me which font did you use in the NZPL banner

And also VM me after my req is done (think you usually do it)
I don't remember it at the moment. I'll PM it to you after looking at the psd.

And, I always leave a VM when someone's request is complete. :)
I am not a fan of that kind of a border. But It suits the wallpaper in the end. So, well done Pranav.

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