Premier Cricket League:: Auction in progress, Bibu Creates History by buying MSD in last moment..!!

Ohk guys when shall we have auction??

I will release the schedule soon after the auction is completed.

binnurox added 8 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

Rjat447 has not come online for many days..

What shall we do with him??

Every one except him can have the message of auction..
ok now,

now the admin section of this league:-
1) Myself:- The Chairperson.
2) Rahul:- Vice Chairperson.
3) _____:- Chief Executive??

Who wants to be Chief Executive??

As Rahul has a salary of 1000vCash per month, the Chief Executive will have 750 vCash and he will even be having extras according to his works..
Hey what about me.Am I there in any of the franchisee?How abt me as chief executive?
Ya you can do but do you want to become any sake holder??

If so, you can have a stake up dude....

BTW rjat 447 hasn't come online for many days..
we will wait for him till the end of next week.

@ Shashi.. do you wanna become owner of team??

OMG salary will e given from my vCash. I don't want to change the word given to owners that their vCash will equally be redistributed to them. I don't want to change my word.

If any one wants to help me in the form of salary, please do PM me.
I will be in loss after i give salary. But the tour should be HIT. Ive already given Ad in deccan chronical paper on 14th march about this league in events section (of the paper, its free)
woah!!! this is huuuuuuuuge!!!!! one hell of an idea mate....
hope this will draw huge success.
good luck mate...
superb idea...:cheers
Which one do you wanna own??

Already 4 of them are occupied.Opt one of the following:-
Heroic Stars
Crusading Warriors
Choose any one and the other one would be taken out and instead, a non test playing nation comes into the attack..

or else do you wanna be the successor of Sinclair??

He Got banned..
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sinclair is banned? oh no!!!!!!!! this is really bad for all of us...he was such a nice chap...
i want to own a franchise i allowed to do so?
Yup Mate you can but do you wanna be the successor or Sinclair??

(Not in getting banned, in owning the franchise..)
As Shashi asked first, First Priority will be given to him to own Sinc's Stake.
If he rejects, You will have to take it. If you even reject, That team will be replaced with some non test playing country..
i'd love to...
can you tell me what is v cash?

ouwwwolfpac added 4 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...

this stuff is cool but how will the business proceed once the teams are bought?
this isn't an online will you do next?

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