King Cricket
International Coach
I don't know what's going on here (I'm really confused) but whatever's going on Good Luck to you guys. :confused::confused:
Well WC,
First, Will you pick me in your team in PCPL.
Binnurox "The Mystery"
Whitehornmatt (WHM)
Bibu001w (Bibu "The Game", Bibu "The King" & Bibu "The Cerebral Assasin")
Scene I
Binnurox has a friend rockingprithvi.
They were living happily.
Now one day binnurox goes to netcafe and creates an account called binnurox.
Some other day his friend creates an account rockingprithvi from the same netcafe.
By this time binnurox had got the net connection in his house and used his account from his house.
Also was his friend using his account(rockingprithvi) from netcafe and also from binnu's house.
Now the tragedy,
One day a bulb glew above Binnurox's head. It said him to start the Premier Cricket League.
So he decided to start it.
And he did, now his friend rockingprithvi comes to his house and logs into his account from binnu's account
Now Binnu doesn't realise that the prize for multiple account is a BAN. So he leaves it as such.
The next moment, rockingprithvi muddles up saying that this is the second profile. So everyone was confused.
At this point entered the Nash091(Dr. Watson)
He says that binnurox will be banned soon because he has multiple accounts.
Binnu is confused :confused:
So before he asks, In comes the King of Kings. And the music plays,
So then Bibu said that he is having two accounts which is called multiple accounts and he will be banned for it.
Binnu thought for a while and said it was his friend's account and he had logged in yesterday and posted that, that was the second profile.
Now binnu tried to make it clear. At this point the Great Chelsea Fan "WC" entered the scene and asked the stucture and so Binnu's structure collapsed and he was confused.
Now binnu asks me again that what is wrong and also why multiple accounts affect the site. Also he justifies his point, also adding that he has said it to Whm already.
Now from no where another Chelsea Fan "Saladguy" comes in and says , "Multiple accounts will lead to a ban."
Binnu went mad.:crying
He sent me 10110 vCash and also he said good bye to all. He said he would come in at orkut and keep in touch.
Now for the turning point,
Bibu "The King" asks him about everything clearly and understands 1% more than what he had understood before. And he asks that "From where was rockingprithvi account created?"
Binnu says that it might have been from netcafe.
So Bibu "The King" says that he will not banned if he could prove himself right and also to prove the only thing was to show that the two accounts were on different IP's.
/Luck rings in the form of Phone bell/
Binnus picks it up. Its rockingprithvi on the other side. So he tells him everything and asks him to come online and say that he hadn't done anything wrong.
Binnu now replies to Bibu "The King", "My friend rockingprithvi just called me over phone and he is coming online to solve the confusion. Ok bye I'll come tomorrow morning if Iam not banned."
Bibu says "Don't log out! because if he and rockingprithvi stay online at the same time and show it to the mods it would make an impact. So binnu come online again.
Now :gundown rockingprithvi is here!:happy
Sentimental scene (Pregnant Women, Heart Patients do not read this):
rockingprithvi cried out loud.
He says that it was all his mistake and he asks the mods to ban him and not binnurox.
He releases the statement that binnurox and rockingprithvi are not same but look-alikes!
Now Bibu stands by to watch, so did Funknath, Jaztheman, Highlander999 & friend863.
No reply from WHM so Bibu "The King" goes to check out his profile. Alas! he was offline.
Binnu didn't know that. Meanwhile the Great, Legendary Barmy Army "Colin" came online.
So he just checked the IP's and declared that most of the posts where from different IP's even though the system flagged Two Users.
But binnu couldn't understand. Bibu "The Game" understood it. Now Bibu "The Cerebral Assasin" asks Colin if Binnu and Rockingprithvi were on safe side? Colin says Yes!
These were god like words for Binnu.
Happy ending,
Binnurox is really happy and asks me to redonate 10110 vcash to him
But Bibu "The Game" happilly(:crying) sent the vcash to him and binnurox is normal again.
These questions are like cosmic riddles and can be answered by the GOD.Code:[B][COLOR="Green"] Who is Rockingprithvi? Where did he come from? Why did WHM go offline? How did barmyarmy come online? Who is WC? Who is Saladguy? Who is this maniac typing and wasting his time instead of completin the India 2009 ODI KIT and New 2009 Sweaters? [/COLOR][/B]
A Story by,
Based on true life incident on 11/1/2009.
All Characters are real and exclusive to and This story is a Coopyright of bibu001w (c) 2008-2009.
All rights reserved.
Yeah sure mate. But I think will go on after March 19th.