Pro Evolution 2008!

It's a simulation. Of course it isn't perfect but any game that can bing you enjoyment both in single and multi-player mode is a very good game.

You may believe that it is a step down from Pro 5 but it is still a great game. I believe it has taken steps to becoming more realistic such skied shots when you're off balance.
PES6 is the best PES in my opinion. It's just PES5 with added features and PES5 was incredible. Although what this debate has to do with PES2008 I don't know, so if we could kindly return to the topic at hand and appreciate PES2008's potential greatness please. ;)
I don't know what game you play but I can play fast, free flowing football. I once scored from a move consisting of 4-5 one-touch passes. Maybe you just play a different way to me and the skied shots are realistic as that is what happens when you shoot off-balance in real life.
When the 4-5 or five passes covered more than half the pitch, then it's a good move ;)

What game will you buy if you don't buy Pro?
I personally think on the 360 its a different story, pitch too small? I think its the right size, FIFA has a small pitch way too small but thats not the topic at hand so....

Well I think I'll be fully 'PES Happy' when this one comes out, it has edit mode and all so you cant go wrong....
tbh even if they said we will make no improvements whatsoever in PES 2008 I'd still buy it :p Can't wait, should give me something to daydream about in school. The greatest game ever....more likely than previous day dreams of Steve Harmison bowling straight
What are your thoughts? this one for me sounds pretty decent and I look forward to it.

PS: Thank to Trist from AV Forums (I quoted it of him although I dont think he wrote that...)

Yes, it sounds as though they've made a few more small tweaks to the on-pitch action, but they mention nothing about improving the game where it really needs it! More leagues, cups and other competitions, even if they're unlicenced. People on the 'net will take care of that.

Also, Master League needs a major revamp. They need to use real money, instead of crappy PES points, they need to drop this division one and division two rubbish and implement a proper two or three tier league system, with each league having the correct number of teams. That way, we'll also be able to have a realistic FA Cup. Merging this game with PES Manager would be a good move.

They need to get some decent sound samples of crowd chants (if the guys on the 'net can do it, why not Konami)? They also need to make the ball sound like one and not like a gunshot every time it is kicked.

I don't really care if the gfx will be next gen. Unless they give us many more competitions (both leagues and cups) and make the Master League mode far deeper and realistic (in fact, I'd drop it altogether and make a mode that mirrors a proper football season), I'll get bored after a few months, just like I have with all other versions. Konami also need to appreciate that, eventually, EA will catch up with them and then, considering EA's prodigious amount of licences, who will really want to buy PES anymore?

PES6 is the best PES in my opinion. It's just PES5 with added features and PES5 was incredible. Although what this debate has to do with PES2008 I don't know, so if we could kindly return to the topic at hand and appreciate PES2008's potential greatness please. ;)

PES will only be a truly great game all round when they decide to go to the trouble of giving us some more leagues/competitions. They don't even need to be licenced, for God's sake! The guys over at socceraccess will take care of that!
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Many people would want to buy it because the gameplay is better than EA's....the licences dont play on the pitch you know.
But what if EA (by some miracle) released a game that played just like PES? Would you still buy PES then? I damn sure wouldn't!

The skied shots suck, in no way are they realistic and surely there is no debating that, happens way too often.
You can't be off balance in PES, you either fall or you don't, simple. The skied shots happen when you have time and space and under no pressure as well.
Don't say it doesn't happen because it does, and it sucks.

You can't play fast flowing, end-to-end football in PES6 like you could in 4 and 5, which is a real let down to me because that is the way I play and enjoy. I was forced to play a more careful, slow passing or long ball strategy which gives me no fun.
Fair enough, if you like to play boring slow football, lump long balls up or just smash long range shots then PES6 is for you but if you want exciting end-to-end football then it is PES4 or 5.

I hope the flowing football of PES 4 and 5 comes back in PES 2008.

As evertonfan would say, that would be "teh sex" :p.

I agree. The shooting system needs to be looked at.
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I'm getting tired of buying basically the same game, but with a few tweaks every few years.

Come on, EA! Just have a good, close look at PES's gameplay and um... copy it!!!!

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