Problems in installation and CRC errors.



I bought my copy of the game a couple of days back and whilst installing it, it says some of the files are corrupt (?) and lots of CRC errors and problems with .cab files crop up (forgive my ignorance for I know nothing about what in happy thoughts this is). And so the game is never installed successfully on my PC. And yeah, my PC config is pretty darn good too, and easily matches the specified requisite config for the game. What can I do to avert this, 'cause its not just troubling me in installing Cricket 2004, but another couple of games that I just recently bought.
My software vendor knows zilch of this. What on earth can I do?
Thanks to anybody who may be able to help.
The only thing I can suggest is that you take the game back to the place you bought it from and ask for a replacement. In the unlikely event that they won't give a replacement, contact EA, and they should provide you with a replacement.
Hi, the problem you are experiencing has to do with your Hard Drive. I had the same problem and had my hard drive replaced. All my games now work 100%.

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