Club Captain
Enough work is left in the patch. Till now i have completed Kits, Logos and Menu FX. But the boring roster is left. I really hate doing Roster, but i will do it in a short time. Presently, i am doing an Overlay which will be quite different from the last time. Because i am doing a whole International patch with IPL, so the overlay will be based on the attractiveness of the game rather than IPL one but their will be the IPL Overlay too.
And the users who already have a problem installing mine IPL 4 patch dont worry this time. Just be patient and wait for the IPL 5 Patch. Because this is all for you only and i am planning to create a User Friendly Installer.
I am not Previewing my Work now, It will be displayed Later on after the completion of the patch.
Then roster will be Best

All the best for Patch