Puddle Mafia 03 - Endgame

Good luck Mark... well this is currently proving as successful as the Titanic's maiden voyage. The normally most active player is awol (I know he's had some stuff on his plate lately so probably busy) and another is pulling out...

Err... if anyone who isn't playing fancies subbing in by tomorrow evening that would be handy. Just PM me. Otherwise we may need a rebalance/reroll with 9.
---- sorry guys! Had one of those lost weeks, but I'll be active from now on :)

Gotta check in on fantasy cricket and will get up to speed on this after.
Glad to see you back dude. Let the games continue :spy

Will try and replace Mark by tomorrow night... or everyone could just lynch him off to make my job easier :cheers
Thanks man :)

Alright, so not much going on here, except alcoholism. Didn't mean to depress you all so much with my absence, but hopefully we can follow the path of sobriety from here on out.

[/COLOR]The giant clocktower that had always cast it's imposing shadow across Duckton like some oversized sundial remained in a perpetual silence. The hands were motionless, as they had been for months. Since that fateful day when order had been slain by chaos, Duckton's only mayor had been anarchy. Streetlights no longer even flickered, the power long since ceasing to flow. Death and destruction littered the city and only the periodic downpours of rain would wash clean the stained streets.

Authority now existed only in the history books that burned so vividly in the many fires. The human husks that scuttled between boarded up buildings in search of sustenance no longer a sign of life, but instead glimpses into a future shrouded by forgetten death.

The long dark nights of winter had nestled Duckton in it's poisonous bosom for an eternity. Fate though had been weaving at her own loom. Today the strands of red, blue and yellow would once again interwine. As the heaviest downpour for months began to ease up, so too did the sun burst through it's bulbous prison. The rainbow that formed appeared to wrap the desolute city in it's warm embrace. Spring was coming, and with it came a new sense of hope.

1st - Nothing stands out to me there.

2nd - Opening line suggests no cop, but maybe some other investigative role instead.
Spelling mistake - "forgetten". The 'e' or missing 'o' could be relevant.

3rd - Agree with the red, blue and yellow likely referencing the setup. Both of PD's previous games had a SK, so wouldn't be surprised if it's included again. Feel like there may be a cult for something different though, but nothing more than a hunch.
References to poison and prison make me think mafia poisoner and town jailkeeper, but will probably need another write-up or two to confirm.
Spelling mistakes - "interwine" and "desolute". Missing 't' and 'u' or missing 'a' could be relevant.
Just to get him to react. Also I am in a hurry to read the write-up, so I'll post my views later in the day.


Damn pallu. I meant Lynch:Pallu
That blue, red and yellow thing is correct. Town, mafia and...and...and a survivor! Yes, that's who I am. I am putting it now as both the sides can make use of me for their win. I am sure townies and mafias will need an extra vote sometime. So, something in there for both the sides. And, I don't think PD has a SK this time round. His last game was a bit unbalanced, remember? So, don't just lynch me off thinking I am the SK or some other 3rd party killer. Here to survive!
Well if would be stupid to claim survivor if you were SK as you'd get lynched off straight away if there were two deaths in a night.
Well I'm all for using the Day 1 lynch on the supposed survivor.. saves wasting it further down the track if true. The same people that argued against it last game will probably do the same I guess, but I just don't see the downside, especially on Day 1 when we have nothing else to go by.

So I'll get the ball rolling Lynch: User
@sedition - this is a slightly different situation. We know from the write-up that there is a survivor or SK. We therefore know that it can't be a fake claim for a mafia. Granted User can vote with mafia later on to lynch off town and ensure his survival but I don't like lynching someone off we almost 100% know isn't mafia.

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