Question and Answer thread!


Club Cricketer
Oct 29, 2011
Online Cricket Games Owned

I thought rather than making a mess on the forum, by asking questions, we should do it all in this thread.

just post the question, i'll put it into a numbered format, and then people can answer them, by putting the number of the question, and answering it.

1. In ICC 2012, can bowlers become allrounders. i.e. i have a bowler mohammed irfan, he has a batting rating of 817, and bowling rating of 760. however i have regularly given him batting training, yet he doesn't improve, but does improve in his bowling, as he used to have a bowling rating of 826. he even has a batting potential of 1027. so could he switch from a bowler to an allrounder in the future? -----answer-----: no - unless using a scout/editor, in art money

2. what is the best type of coaching to improve a rfm test bowler. ----- answer----- :attacking!/ You can never be sure.

3. What is the best type of coaching to improve a batsmen, or is it coaching him against his preferences, i.e. coaching a strong pace bowling batsmen to play spin?

4.Does anyone know where I can download International Cricket Captain 2010/11 full version free? --- answer--- : ok download the demo version of 2010, and then i have a crack which you may have for free inbox me if your interested.

5.What are the best bowling tactics in Tests?
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I thought rather than making a mess on the forum, by asking questions, we should do it all in this thread.

just post the question, i'll put it into a numbered format, and then people can answer them, by putting the number of the question, and answering it.

1. In ICC 2012, can bowlers become allrounders. i.e. i have a bowler mohammed irfan, he has a batting rating of 817, and bowling rating of 760. however i have regularly given him batting training, yet he doesn't improve, but does improve in his bowling, as he used to have a bowling rating of 826. he even has a batting potential of 1027. so could he switch from a bowler to an allrounder in the future?

2. what is the best type of coaching to improve a rfm test bowler.

Answers :

Ans 1 : No
Ans 2 : Attacking
Are my answers correct ? :)
The first one you can just use the scout/editor to make that change.

and second, its subjective :P no one can ever be right

Well once I did this with Mark Davies and he improved .:D
Does anyone know where I can download International Cricket Captain 2010/11 full version free?
You could get the 2005 edition for free a while ago on Facebook, I'm not sure if you still can though.
Go on their page, then it said down the left like free 2005 edition, and you click on that. As I said before it was quite a while ago that it started, so I've got no idea if it's still there.
Go on their page, then it said down the left like free 2005 edition, and you click on that. As I said before it was quite a while ago that it started, so I've got no idea if it's still there.

yeah the offer still exists, just 'like' the game on their Facebook page, and then you'll get a code to activate the full icc 2005 version
What is this "scout" thing? And where can I get it?

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