Random Thoughts

The movie I was freaked out when I was small was Chucky (child's play)
That movie still gives me the shivers especially when I see that creepy toy wielding a knife!
I reached in the mid of the novel "They do it with mirrors" by Agatha Christie. Really a good one! Enjoying every bit of it.
BBC News - Pakistan blocks access to YouTube in internet crackdown

So the Islamofacists in Pakistan have banned youtube and facebook because there are caricatures of the Prophet on there. :laugh

I feel sorry for anyone living there, try to get out as soon as you can

I dont really find anything funny in that. This was a direct insult to Islam and you cant really expect no reprocussions.

Banning the site wasnt the ideal solution though, if people want to protest against this, they should avoid both the sites in general. There is no need to ban them, if people want to be on those sites, they can easily find other ways too.
I guess that is the difference between our cultures, we leave it to an individual decision. I would never want someone else making moral and ethical judgment calls for me.

Might as well ban the internet if you all are so sensitive, its not as if those cartoons are limited to youtube and facebook
Thats exactly my point. This should be done at an indiviual level rather than the government getting involved. We, Pakistanis, tend to make hasty decisions without thinking them thoroughly. You dont see any other nation doing this.
Thats what happens when you try to combine the church with the state.


I wouldn't be overreacting if there was a "Draw Jesus Day". And I am religious, more than other guys my age.

As long as I'm not doing it, I can't be bothered. I probably wouldn't find it overly offensive either. You can't cure everything that you believe is wrong.

My Paki friends are boycotting facebook today though, which I guess they're doing to make a stand, and show that they aren't for groups like that - and I can understand why they're doing that. However, I don't think boycotting facebook is going to do anything of note...
It wont, the Internet is a free speech society. They cannot stop other people from saying what they want or expressing themselves and they have no right to even try.
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I find the whole thing to be quite disgusting though. Why can't people just respect other people's cultures, this is what causes conflict. They are going out of the way to do this whole Draw Mohammad Day... it is not 'just a drawing', but a political stance that to me says 'My culture is better than yours'.

And i'm not even a Muslim. They get enough flack as it is - just let people be.

Banning YT is a bit much though...
As long as one does not use foul language or mocking phrases, religious belief should be openly criticised at anytime and anywhere in the world. It should be no different to criticising somebody's taste in music or clothes, or criticising political parties or agendas.

The problem is that people try to mix in their religion with "culture", and state that a religion is part of the culture. I don't see why they should be combined.

I openly critice the Muslim superstition, especially since Mohammad completely plagiarised parts of another fictitious book (the Judeo-Christian scripture) and added bits of his own thoughts to coincide with the Arab lifestyle. And if you are offended by that, then that is your personal CHOICE to be offended - and it still won't make your storybook true.
hMarka said:
BBC News - Pakistan blocks access to YouTube in internet crackdown

So the Islamofacists in Pakistan have banned youtube and facebook because there are caricatures of the Prophet on there.

I feel sorry for anyone living there, try to get out as soon as you can

This is really an over-reaction on part of the Pakistani government. In a true democracy, you should be valuing personal opinions for the sake of freedom of expression, instead of trying to impose yours on someone else. You'd find many a offensive stuff being said against various nations in many corners of the net, but seldom have the authorities of these countries slapped instant bans on sites for such contents. At the end of the day, it's the internet, and you can't really stop people from expressing their views here. As I see it, anti-Muhammad, and anti-Islam comments are only gonna increase across the net after this incident.

Blocking key sites, planning nationwide protests, setting up a hotline to report any similar content in the net are all absolutely childish and unnecessary steps. Internet is too vast a thing to be controlled by a singular entity.

PS, pardon my ignorance, but why exactly is the depiction of the Prophet banned in Islam?
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I find the whole thing to be quite disgusting though. Why can't people just respect other people's cultures, this is what causes conflict. They are going out of the way to do this whole Draw Mohammad Day... it is not 'just a drawing', but a political stance that to me says 'My culture is better than yours'.

And i'm not even a Muslim. They get enough flack as it is - just let people be.

Banning YT is a bit much though...

not really. It's just a response the complaints and censoring of and against things like south park, and standing up for freedom of expression.
I found the timing of this really interesting, the night before I heard the story about fb being blocked over this, Go! here showed a South Park episode that did show Muhammad (the 'super best friends' ep), wonder how much of a coincidence that one was?

but why exactly is the depiction of the Prophet banned in Islam?
It isn't mentioned in the Qar'an, so it isn't banned in Islam as such. Depends for one if you are Sunni or Shi'a, there's large disagreement within Islam over the issue, possibly why it is so contentious when it does happen.

While I don't like pointing to Wikipedia as a source, Depictions of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia gives a good grounding, though caution that it does contain depictions within the article.

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