Random Thoughts

Well, I've nothing against the summer, but does it have to be so stuffy in my room? I mean, I tried to sleep last night and it was so warm I had to go downstairs and sleep on the wooden flooring just for coolness. I hate the UK when its warm, its just not right!
Well, I've nothing against the summer, but does it have to be so stuffy in my room? I mean, I tried to sleep last night and it was so warm I had to go downstairs and sleep on the wooden flooring just for coolness. I hate the UK when its warm, its just not right!

Know the feeling, work today was unbearable. Everyone was just all hot and bothered and tempers were fraying and I wasn't in the mood for people answering back especially as our manager is on holiday and it was just me and another supervisor in charge. I reckon I should get a whip....:p
Know the feeling, work today was unbearable. Everyone was just all hot and bothered and tempers were fraying and I wasn't in the mood for people answering back especially as our manager is on holiday and it was just me and another supervisor in charge. I reckon I should get a whip....:p

Luckily, today has been my day off of revision, so I've basically been sat in a pool with my cousins, granted I'm slightly ashamed my 8yr old cousin managed to almost drown me, but s'all good.

Btw, why are 1yr olds so fascinated by shiny objects? There's a metal strip running down the bottom of the pool, so he decides he's had enough of arm bands and tries to also drown himself. Good day.

Simbazz added 0 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

Invest in a fan!

For the two weeks of summer we have a year? It'd take years before it became even remotely worth the spend!
Iron Man 2 was a great movie. Watched it 2 days ago but went for a second watch today. Excellent Dialouges, Tony Stark was awesome. The action was good. Vanko was a little sad tbh, but otherwise it was a great movie. Johansson was bloody awesome. The movie really flowed and gripped you for more. Well done people.

P.S Watching Iron Man tonight. :p
Well, I've nothing against the summer, but does it have to be so stuffy in my room? I mean, I tried to sleep last night and it was so warm I had to go downstairs and sleep on the wooden flooring just for coolness. I hate the UK when its warm, its just not right!
it's taking me on average 3 hours to get to sleep because of the heat.

I normally struggle anyway, but it's completely messing my sleep schedule and revision up.

It may not be absolutely hot, but relativity to Brits it is, and it takes some adjustment. Problem is by the time we adjust it will go cold again for the next 11 months. Thus losing any sort of tolerance we build up.
Yeh true, those who live in the desert will definitely call us soft, but its that we're not tolerant to the heat. At the minute its amazing being outside, breeze and warm :)
Yeh true, those who live in the desert will definitely call us soft, but its that we're not tolerant to the heat. At the minute its amazing being outside, breeze and warm :)

Those who live in the desert wouldn't be able to play football in a t-shirt and shorts on a cold january morning in the snow/rain without feeling uncomfortable.

it's all relative.
Those who live in the desert wouldn't be able to play football in a t-shirt and shorts on a cold january morning in the snow/rain without feeling uncomfortable.

it's all relative.

I have to agree to that.
For us
15oC = Heavy Sweater must!

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